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Chapter 81

Go to the farm, what's so great.

Hades didn't care much when he heard this, anyway, he planned to dig more mines for the farmer before going to the second stage of the mission, so he gladly jumped into the farm space.

The moment Tang Yihe entered, the corners of his mouth hooked.

As soon as Xiao Ha entered, the five mining dogs left after a busy day and no physical strength immediately got up from the kennel and greeted their boss respectfully.

The big wolf dog on the picture is actually compared with the proportion in reality, the Q version, the limbs are short, the head is larger and rounder, but it does not affect Comrade Xiaoha's power at all, and the small farm quickly jumps up and down.

The mining dog 12345 was immediately summoned to bury her head in mining, and Lu Hua Mei also squatted back into the nest with a trembling to lay eggs.

Xiao Hasa ran around the farm in one breath, breathing the long-lost air inside, knowing that Tang Yihe was looking at himself, he snorted in the direction of the skylight, and then found a feng shui treasure near the windmill to prepare to dig ore, who knew that he was pinched by the farmer's two fingers and lifted up the little wolf dog on the screen.


Shouldn't you dump him again? Last time he vomited a "scoop" out... Slowly and slowly, then the mall was upgraded, and there was a terrifying business area inside, shouldn't it...!!!

Tang Yihe mentioned the terrified little guy in the picture to "my home" and said with a smile: "I have prepared some gifts for you."

"Woooo No thanks, no more!

Hades turned his head frantically, trying to run away, but an invisible rope was holding him, making him dare not run out of "my home".

In the next second, the farmer tuned out the "Xiaoha exclusive clothing" collected these days.

In Hades' vision, it was like entering a holographic changing room, all the clothes were displayed in front of his eyes, and he was surrounded by seven or eight sets of 360°.

The first set is Cinderella, the second is Snow White, and mermaids, dwarfs, Pinocchio... The hottest ones for the eyes are mermaids and thongs bikinis, as well as diapers!!!

All special is cute pet suit!

And the theme!

Hades' eyes widened in disbelief: Who the hell designed this?! It's crazy! In addition to the exclamation mark, it is all exclamation points! Like a barrage, it was densely streaked in front of his eyes, and he couldn't stop at all!

Tang Yihe thought thoughtfully, "Which set does the baby like?" Less fabric or more fabric?

The baby called Hades creepy.

"!!!Woooo No, no, don't wear any set!

The harsh bark is more young than before, compared with the domineering wolf howl in reality, it is simply a soft cute little milk sound, if it is recorded and played, it will definitely attract a large number of cloud dog owners.

But Tang Yihe was too difficult to impress, especially when he was determined to carry out the punishment task, it was simply more ruthless than winter.

His fingertips stroked across the seven or eight outfits, as if caught in difficulty choosing, constantly tapping on the mermaid and bikini, the two outfits would glow slightly when he clicked, and Hades was shocked to watch.


Hades's cry became more and more milky, and his shame dropped by N levels after he became a beast, and the degree of flexibility and stretching was breathtaking.

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