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Chapter 88

The whole base was in chaos, all the assistants, monitors, and detectors were looking for the man who appeared out of thin air, but he was like he had disappeared, and he couldn't find even a trace.

Because Horn's base has been modified, it is as meticulous as any planet, so the more you can't find it, the more it proves that the man may have a more advanced anti-tracking method.

Horn was furious, and he didn't care about his previous promise and imprisoned Tang Yihe.

"Mr. Tang, that man is your companion, right? Where is he?

Tang Yihe smiled, "He's right next to me.

Horn looked coldly at Tang Yihe, who was detained in the detention cabin, "Don't say that he is a transparent person, the heat source sensor did not detect him."

"That's your problem." Tang Yihe leaned in the detention pod and said lazily, because he had broken into the farm before, his hands and feet were still paralyzed, and he had no strength.

Horn woke up and was eager to collect his body fluids, only to find that his signs were too weak, even if he could breed more evolutionaries, the innate quality could not be compared, and his father had to be raised to the best state.

Therefore, Tang Yihe was not mistreated, but was taken care of with good food and drink, but completely lost his freedom.

Horn locked him in a small cube, this cube was tightly fitted, originally used as a bomb shelter, after being modified by Horn, the texture is very hard and difficult to destroy, can only be opened by his password, is a very domineering prison.

"When I find him, I'll lock him up!" Horne hated it, his neck still hurting terribly.

Tang Yihe was noncommittal and said lightly: "I'm hungry, let's roast a pig again."

Horn was incredulous for his composure: "Mr. Tang, you are now a prisoner, you are a betrayer of all mankind!"

Tang Yihe ignored his big hat: "Don't you want me to breed offspring for you?" I don't eat meat and can't recover.

Horn glared at him, expecting that he couldn't play any tricks in it, so he agreed to slaughter a suckling pig in the lab.

As a result, Tang Yihe was not worried about their cooking skills, and also instructed how to get rid of the wild boar's qi, how to fly water, how to marinate meat, and the little assistants were summoned by him, and finally brought a plate of pork belly that was about to be scorched.

When transporting food, the cube only opens a small opening, nearly five centimeters high, and cannot pass people at all.

Obviously, going out through that narrow opening is not feasible.

Tang Yihe was relieved and returned his attention to the meat. He brought his hands closer to the meat plate.

——Half an hour ago, he secretly saw Xiao Ha's state, which had reached 100% healing, but it was still sleeping, and Tang Yihe wanted to wake up the stupid dog with taste.

Although the assistants burned the meat, it smelled very fragrant, and not long after, Tang Yihe felt a faint movement near the palm of his hand, obviously Xiaoha's foodie degree is not inferior to Mox.

There was no camera in the cube, so Tang Yihe boldly let him out.

As soon as Hades poked his head out, he immediately saw the farmer deep in a narrow space.

When he completely escaped from the farm, his whole body had to be pressed on Tang Yihe, in order not to crush the skinny farmer, Hades supported his upper body, and his posture was very strange!

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