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Chapter 41

When the police officer saw this Buddha, he was even frightened by the idea of reprimanding the false police. They belong to the same big system, they are at the bottom without ranks, and Mox's stars are no less to them than the village branch secretary to the vice president.

The sheriff immediately stood up and saluted: "Hello chief!" Tang

Yihe looked at Mox with some surprise, it turned out that this scoundrel was not as bad as expected.

Seeing Tang Yihe's surprise, Mox felt happy in his heart, and waved his hand impatiently on the surface: "Say, what's wrong with Boss Tang, let you bring a group of people to spread wilderness?"

"It's all a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding." The sheriff quickly pulled Tang De and them out to block the gun, "They reported false police! Say attacked by large animals here!

"Nonsense, I was really attacked! I didn't report the false alarm!

"Please Chief Mingjian! Please ask the chief to decide for us, this surname Tang is really not a thing!

As soon as

these words came out, Mox's face changed, and he didn't know how he operated, but he saw the phantom floating by, and the scolding man was rolled up by a silver and white "thick rope" and thrown out, and it happened that his head hit the beam of the room, and he fainted all of a sudden.

There was a faint, not very pleasant smell of fishy smell in the air instantly.

Mox seemed to be out of shape for a moment, and soon came back again. His head shook from side to side, making a clicking sound, and he smiled so that he showed two tiger teeth, but there was no smile under his eyes.

"...... Before I can conjure up the fangs, you scraps get away. Several

people's backs and necks were cold, and in his vicious eyes, the two battles, instinctively wanted to kneel, but under the support of the desire for survival, contrary to the stubbornness just now, it was also a spectacle to plead with the police to escort them away immediately.

The sheriff stayed cheekily, deliberately close to Mox.

"Chief, are you...?"

Mox glanced at him grimly: "You also roll."

The sheriff trembled: "Yes!"

"Slowly," Mox added, "which precinct are you from?"

The sheriff reported the name.

Mox: "Good, you know what to do with those guys.

Sheriff: "Understood!"

While replying, he secretly glanced at Tang Yihe.

Damn, if there is a backer, don't say it earlier!

"What else to look at, there is no place to put the eyeballs?" Mox said coldly, "Or what do you think of my friend?" Tang

Yihe: I'm not your friend.

The sheriff was drenched in cold sweat by him, and did not dare to speak, saluted and quickly slipped away.

Along the way, the police officers, worried that they would be reckoned by Mox, itched their teeth with hatred for Tangde and the five thieves, and after being escorted back, they were thrown into the worst detention room and locked up.

Tang De begged for a long time, promising to give the little policeman a little benefit before he could get the right to call.

He was going to go on a date with his girlfriend that night, but looking at the current situation, let alone dating, even his freedom was gone. As soon as he dialed the phone, Tang De hurriedly begged: "Mengmeng, it's me!" The

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