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Chapter 90

The usually majestic "shut up" sounded unexpectedly deterrent at this moment, but in the eyes of the two, a certain desire to talk back strangely was added!

Listening to the ears is not like a reprimand, but like ... Hitting on someone......

Tang Yihe opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything heavy, and fell silent.

After waiting for Tang Yihe to respond, Hades was impatient, couldn't help but step forward two steps and grabbed his hand: "Say, tell me, why did you respond just now?"

Tang Yihe was forced to ask by him bluntly and confused for a moment: "Nonsense, I don't remember such a thing..."

He pursed his mouth and looked calm, but in fact, the roots of his ears began to redden.

The farmer's earlobes are also very delicate, thin, usually lustrous and healthy, and at this time they are powdery, and they look like a small snack, which must be delicious to bite, better than any pastry he has ever made.

Hades was itchy, grabbed his shoulders, and said in a dumb voice: "If you forget, I'll let you remember..."

Just didn't kiss enough, again, kiss this Xiaoice mountain! See if he dares to put dog broth on himself!

However, before he finished speaking, Tang Yihe, the flower of Gaoling, raised his hand, and wanted to beat him with a butcher's aura, super fierce!

Hades originally did not put his force value in his eyes, after all, Tang Yihe is a weak human being, even if he evolves, it is not in the direction of Hercules, and ten Tang Yihe cannot beat himself. There used to be farmer privileges, but now they all come in together, but don't they want to be crushed by his Hades?

Who knew that in the next second, he would be thrown off by the farmer! And slammed into one side of the counter!

Hades: "...??? Make

no mistake! His own big man of one meter nine, the most powerful and domineering demon wolf orc in the entire interstellar, was actually swept away by a Terran with no chicken power?!

Tang Yihe glanced down at his palm incredulously, and said innocently, "I didn't use my full strength.

He was indeed a little embarrassed just now, but beating people was also a deterrent, and he didn't use much strength.

But this sentence simply has no credibility, because Hades' hit head quickly got a big bag, just like in the cartoon, like a big and swollen steamed bun buckled on the top of his head.

It stands to reason that it is impossible to beat this effect no matter how hard you usually beat, most likely because on the farm, everything is exaggerated and cartoonized.

By the way, this is a mobile phone farm, and it is not surprising that as a farmer, he has some privileges.

There is no doubt that the farmer's prestige is still there.

Tang Yihe smiled slightly: "Don't challenge me easily, Comrade Xiaoha."

Hades: "..."you, treat me like a little Ha again!"

A certain Ha did not believe in evil, and pounced again, but was once again lifted by Tang Yihe's fingers.

Woof! I don't believe it!

Hades simply beasted and pounced on the slender little farmer for the third time.

After repeating it a few times, a certain ha hung on the wall like a mural, and it almost couldn't be cut.

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