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Chapter 96

The hood was lifted, revealing a plain and slightly reddened face.

Tang Yihe's gaze did not dodge or dodge, his eyes were black and white, it seemed to be milder than usual, and there seemed to be countless stars twinkling inside.

His eyebrows are already slender, and when he looks at it with a slight temperature, he has the illusion of affection.

Seeing Hades' heart beat wildly, he then made a violent noise, and couldn't help but kiss him. Because he had just returned from outside, Tang Yihe's lips were a little cold, but they were still very clean and soft.

The heat seemed to be transmitted through the touch of lips, the warm lips quickly warmed up, Hades took a small bite with them, Tang Yihe frowned, seemed to want to hide, but somehow acquiesced to his presumptuousness and did not avoid.

Suddenly, the wind blowing to the heart was warmer. When Hades tried to pry the tip of his tongue open and put it in, he obviously felt that the other party's whole body trembled, and then, he took the initiative to take his tongue and sucked unhurriedly.


Tang Yihe sucked and then let go, and just as he was about to withdraw, Hades deepened the kiss in ecstasy. He no longer probing, but excitedly entently entently entangled the other party's tongue.

Hades sucked and kissed hard, sweeping every inch of the other party's mouth, he didn't know how others did this kind of thing, but when he held the tip of Tang Yihe's tongue, he felt that he contained a soft and sweet piece of sugar, and the taste of happiness spread from the tip of his tongue, and the whole person became numb and hungry, and he couldn't wait to swallow this piece of sugar into his stomach.

Hades actually has no skills, but he has the instinct of a man, and he has a long enough breath and determination to attack the city, he clasps the back of Tang Yihe's head with one hand, and keeps sucking and kissing.

Tang Yihe was also stunned by the enthusiasm he suddenly aroused, and his somewhat sluggish response was immediately attacked by the other party more violently.

He couldn't breathe, his feet were a little soft, and he had to lean against Hades and lean his head to kiss him.

In a daze, Tang Yihe felt that his spacesuit was further peeled off, and the whole person was picked up, and then pressed on the bridge again, his feet off the ground, and Hades was like a piece of red-hot iron, fiery pressed up.

The temperature in the cabin rises, echoing with the ambiguous sound of water and rapid breathing.

I don't know how long it took, Hades left a little, and saw the farmer under him with slightly red cheeks, half-closed eyes wet, no focus, and was actually lost by himself.

"That's enough, that's fine, I promised to be obedient before I get married." Hades silently said to himself, actively giving himself psychological construction.

At this time, Tang Yihe gasped lightly, and seeing that he was slow to move, he raised his eyes with some doubt. This simple look was like a license certificate, and it instantly shattered Hades' weak psychological construction.

Hades couldn't hold back any longer, leaning forward while daring to dig his hand into his clothes. His hands were hot, his body's reaction was obvious, and the rough fingertips and the obvious desire instantly awakened Tang Yihe.

His body froze, and the mist in his eyes seemed to have evaporated, and it became clear all of a sudden. He just figured out something, and just decided to accept the company of another person, which doesn't mean that he can adapt to too close a relationship right away!

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