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Chapter 11: It's Discrimination!

Since the popularity of sweet and sour radishes and sauce radishes, the farm has continued to grow white radish, and the six vegetable plots have barely reached a balance of supply, and sometimes even save one or two garlic and radishes in the warehouse.

Xiao Ha's favorability curve during this period is the same as the black market stock chart, continuing to decline, has dropped to -190, the degree of "incompatibility" has risen another level, becoming "enemies who do not share the sky", and bitten off four dog leashes, the other six although not broken, but all covered with tooth marks, fully demonstrating its defiance.

Because some time ago, Tang Yihe deliberately only fed ordinary dog food in order to save gold coins on the one hand, and on the other hand, to punish it. Although ordinary dog food can be full, but dry and astringent, much more difficult to eat than meat and bones, it tried to protest the hunger strike all day, but the farmer did not find at all, saw that the food in the dog basin was full, and thought that it was because of his own feeding, fluttering after watching the vegetable field watered and left, so the hunger strike plan failed.

After a few days of stubborn resistance, Xiao Ha, who knew the time, finally "unforgettable" appreciated the cold-blooded evil of the farmer, and had to give up being a demon, bored and helpless lying in front of "my shop" all day long.

Only when Tang Yihe entered the farm, would it raise its arrogant head and grin at him, venting its hatred like a fixed-point punch, but it would never stand up and bark again, because it had realized that those were just fearless threats to evil farmers, so why bother in vain.

Tang Yihe originally only regarded it as an AI pet, but seeing that it seemed to be a little more well-behaved, and estimated that it might be just a dog cub in the setting, he bred a rare sense of pampering, and soon exchanged the pet food for meat and bones.

Ordinary dog food 2,000 gold coins, meat and bones cost 10,000, it can be said that I love this virtual pet very much.

But obviously Xiao Ha did not appreciate it.

When he threw the bones into the dog basin, Xiao Ha's first reaction was not to pounce, but to pounce, but to raise his teeth, and a roar came out of his throat, not understanding how he was suddenly willing to give himself good food, and he was so vigilant that he did not dare to move for a long time, as if the tempting flesh and bones were a flood beast.

Xiao Ha pressed his front body while roaring lowly, staring at the fragrant meat bones, and staring at the evil farmer off the screen, his eyes back and forth, as grand as a great enemy.

Tang Yihe felt a little funny, and unconsciously said out loud: "Eat, I won't punish you."

Saying that, he also unloaded one of its dog leashes.

- This is an extremely important signal that the evil farmer is forgiving it...

Bah, it's not doing anything wrong! There is no need for hypocritical forgiveness! Xiao Ha thought huffingly.

After squatting cautiously for a few seconds to determine that the farmer was indeed fawning over himself, Xiao Ha's eyes were chilled, and he rushed up like a cheetah, grabbed the meat bones, and instantly grabbed the bones to the farthest place before Tang Yihe's eyes had time to blink.

Although urgent, it is extremely cautious and does not start eating until it is safe to do so. The eating appearance was particularly ferocious, and in addition to tearing and biting, he did not forget to stare at Tang Yihe.

The tendons and shredded flesh on the bones were all visible under the high-definition picture quality, as if Tang Yihe was regarded as this meat bone, and Xiao Ha bit it particularly hard.

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