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Chapter 13: The Coming is Not Good

Tang Zhi thought that he had just lost his job and was poor, then Tang Yihe turned his head and ate fragrant and spicy, and suddenly his heart was extremely unbalanced, but after the initial nest fire, the doubt in his heart arose: loans all need collateral, what kind of mortgage did Tang Yihe's kid take?

Is it - father's shop?!

It's not impossible! This cheap brother has always been lazy and lazy to eat and wait for death, maybe he really plans to sell it?

If that's the case, then the compensation must come right away, so that the kid can squander it!

Tang Zhi had an interview in the afternoon, and he planned to prepare well, but thinking that he had not yet received the million compensation, he couldn't sit still anyway, and hurriedly left Noah and hurried to his father's old shop.

On the way, he took another look at the Dazong Dianping website, and saw the original cold and cold message board, at this time there were several topic buildings in the middle building, with a total of more than 300 comments, which shows that the business is much better than when his father was alive. Tang Zhi thought about it again, and couldn't figure out whether his brother was a mortgage shop or really made money, but either way, he had to knock and knock, lest that kid pay the bill.


Tang Yihe did not go back to the restaurant immediately after coming out of Noah's business hall, but walked around several used shops in the nearby business district, accidentally imitating antique casseroles. In the kitchen of the restaurant, the kitchenware is made of high-tech alloy materials, and there is no casserole, but many authentic Chinese dishes are cooked in a casserole to be delicious, so they also collected a set of sand pots of different sizes, as small as a single soup, and can put five pounds of live fish.

In addition, in a large supermarket, he saw something that surprised him very much - bacteria, including lactic acid bacteria, Aspergillus oryzae, koji and so on. Needless to say, Aspergillus oryzae is a very practical thing for Tang Yihe at present, it is also known as soy sauce koji, which can accelerate the fermentation rate of soy sauce and improve the success rate.

Tang Yihe spent almost all his savings to buy the things above, and returned with a good load.

Who knew that when he just returned to the Tang family's small restaurant, he saw a lump... The uninvited guest, the original owner's mixed account second brother, Tang Yihe's good mood of buying and buying suddenly took back silently, after all, the nature of this second brother he had just understood, obviously the person who came was not good.

Tang Zhizheng paced around the door of the restaurant with an irritated expression, and when he saw him return, he immediately crossed his hands like a shrew, and said imposingly: "Okay, you can be counted back!"

Tang Yihe frowned: "What are you doing here?" Tang

Zhi glanced left and right, and it happened that the owner of the Dongying shop heard the movement here and poked his head over. Compensation is not easy to publicize such a thing as inheritance, Tang Zhi is a face-saving person, and said in a low voice: "Let's go in!" Tang

Zhi was taller than Tang Yihe, and his attitude was tough and bad at this time, Tang Yihe thought about it in his heart, and while opening the door, he quietly entered a string of numbers into the bracelet.

After entering the store, Tang Yihe did not greet the second brother, but first put the things he bought back properly.

Tang Zhi treated this as if it were his own home, swaggered and followed him into the back kitchen, and when he saw those pots and pans, he snorted mockingly: "It seems that you have opened the ropes?" Wasn't it disdainful of cooks before? Why do you still buy so much broken copper and iron today?

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