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Chapter 34

The price of the dog house is very expensive, it costs 1 million, but fortunately Tang Yihe's gold coins still have more than 6 million left. He did not hesitate to buy the kennel, which was automatically placed outside the field.

It's just that mining dogs don't appear in the list of goods. He quit the farm and looked at the kennel, which had a little bone sign that said "Donsir's Kennel."

Xiao Ha didn't know when he slipped over from the windmill, and was circling around this extra dog house, the hook on his paw about to move.

Tang Yihe held it in his hand, threw it aside, ignored its angry and resentful eyes, and nodded the cute dog house.

A dialog box pops up: [Do you want to adopt a mining dog?] Note: You can adopt a total of five.

Tang Yihe naturally adopted all five in one breath, and spent another 5 million gold coins for this. In just one day, he spent all the gold coins to a fraction of it.

The Q cute big dog house on the picture has five more white and round things, the legendary mining dog... It turned out to be five little soft dogs!

On the top of the heads of the five little dogs, it is clearly written mining dog No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5.

Xiao Ha is already in the form of a three-headed dog cub on the farm, and these five little milk dogs are only the size of Xiao Ha's palm, and the round five small lumps are curled up and huddled together and sleeping huffing, like five round rice balls.

At that moment, Tang Yihe felt that he was not hiring child labor.

And when Xiao Ha saw these five little things, he whimpered in horror, even more overwhelmed than him.

Tang Yihe was not cute by them, and quickly dispelled his brain supplement, although it is indeed cute, but this is a prop of the farm, not a virus Xiaoha, how can there be any child labor and no child labor?

The evil and murderous farmer unceremoniously prepares to awaken five little puppies to see how they work.

Who knew that the farm system was still a little humane, and actually told him: [Your mining dog is still in the cub stage, please be sure to feed them carefully for a period of time and take good care of them! ]

[Note: Feed primary dog food, you can start working after ten days; Feed high-grade dog food and start working in five days.

Tang Yihe: "..."

He knew that whether it was in the past or now, game developers were black, only thinking about taking money from customers' pockets, but fortunately they couldn't recharge it now, otherwise Tang Yihe estimated that he couldn't bear his hand for krypton gold.

Tang Yihe fed them high-grade dog food, the dog did not wake up, but the dog food disappeared, their status bar showed [digesting, there are 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds left before the next feeding], it seems that they have to feed regularly.

"Why is it so troublesome?" Tang Yihe muttered.

Xiao Ha was originally very unhappy to see the farmer feeding high-grade dog food, although it no longer ate these dog food, but did not want to give these cubs to eat, but when he heard that Tang Yihe thought they were troublesome, Xiao Ha instantly turned cloudy!

Hmph, you know Ben Wang's, right?

Xiao Ha was so proud that he didn't realize that he was far more troublesome than those little cubs.

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