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Chapter 77

Tang Yihe, who knew what a blood contract was, and because the Demon Wolf Clan's talent was domineering, the blood contract could never be canceled, was looking at Mrs. Windsor in front of him with a gloomy face.

The elegant Admiral Madame of Suri couldn't lift her head to look at him, and she was about to die of shame for her bear child.

She never expected that Tang Yihe actually didn't know about the blood contract, and even told himself that he had seen Hades for the first time on the day he came to the military plane, and he had never had the slightest contact with him before this.

Windsor felt both guilty, and a little confused about Hades's tumultuous operation - since there was nowhere to go, how did it come together?

Thinking of this, she asked cautiously: "There are two ways to conclude a blood contract, no matter which one requires direct contact between the two parties, it will be a very intimate state, is it... Did he force you? Tang

Yihe understood that there were words in her words, his face was a little dark, he and Xiao Ha are harmonious master-servant relationships, can't they just stroke their hair and form a bond, right? If it was this level of contact, then he had already signed a marriage contract with Mox and Wen Liguo, after all, he had touched the humanoid beast form several times, especially Wen Liguo was earlier than Xiaoha.

Tang Yihe was silent for a long time: "... Maybe we're not bonded? Windsor

: "He told me personally that you are the object of his contract..."

Coupled with the fact that she lost control of Xiaoha's movements half a year ago, it can be confirmed that the time of the contract was about half a year ago.

Tang Yihe is still unbelievable, he really has no relevant memories at all, the only possibility is what method that the little beast used, trying to "control" himself, Tang Yihe even suspected that maybe he was taking revenge for enslaved him before...

But retaliating with such a grand ceremony seems too much to lose.

Thinking of Hades' high-profile words on the Internet before, Tang Yihe's face was simply colorful, and he didn't dare to think deeply: "Is there really no way to cancel this thing?"

Windsor nodded.

Tang Yihe: "If you make a contract, you must be together?" Windsor

actually didn't know, because everyone got married first and then got engaged, and no one ever came the other way around. He could only say: "The blood contract is the highest form of marriage of our orc race, if one party betrays, it will endure the pain of heartburn..."

Tang Yihe was silent for a long time thoughtfully, and his tone was flat: "Oh, what if one party dies?"

Windsor looked at him in horror: "..."

Yes, no... Don wants to kill his husband!!! Although it is impossible to beat Hades depending on the body size, the poison is estimated to be poisonous and undead, but... But Hades is not a nine-life cat, there are always times when the car rolls over!

Windsor was so frightened that the six gods were masterless, and hurriedly said: "Xiao Tang, we, let's calm down, I remembered, some orc partners can live apart in the later stage even if they are intimidated, if you don't want him can't force you, our orc's "Marriage Protection Law" can be strict!"

Tang Yihe's face softened at this time, and he turned his face and smiled gently at her: "Madame, don't be nervous, that sentence just now is just a joke." Windsor

: ┭┮_┭┮ It's not funny at all.

She finally knew what Hades' look meant this morning, he was simply asking for help!

Coupled with the fact that the matter of the blood contract is now exposed, just thinking about it knows Hades this time... Pill!

She used to think that Tang Yihe looked white and clean, and people and animals were harmless, but she seemed to be born with an aura that was not easy to get close to, and now she finally understood that it was not her illusion...

However, although she loves her son, this matter will definitely not be favorable, because if you think about Wila treating herself like this, she will probably not be gentler than Tang Yihe.

Tang Yihe is not an emotional person, even if he is angry, he will not be angry with innocent people, so he just glanced at Windsor lightly and changed the topic: "What do you mean by 'blood contract allergy' just now?"

Windsor voiced his and Hades' concerns.

Tang Yihe silently listened to her and froze for a while, "So I'm not my own son?" Windsor

: "..." God

, this kid, don't you even know this?

It's pathetic! Windsor's eyes turned red, and the wolf was a motherly attack, "It's okay, we will be your family from now on!"

Tang Yihe didn't know what miserable childhood stories she made up in her head, but he didn't care at all, but felt that it was quite beautiful not to have a blood relationship with those two cheap brothers, so he waved his hand: "Don't care about this." Windsor

was instantly distressed, hey, what a sensible and strong child, a good cabbage was arched by her own stupid dog, she was not worth it for Tang Yihe.

Tang Yihe is not a fool, and he has long felt that his symptoms are indeed not like Progeria, but he has checked several times on Paton, and each time he said that he is a decay reaction, so there is no objection to Windsor's proposal to go to a better-level hospital for physical examination.

The superiority of the living environment of the Demon Sirius is not only reflected in the location and resources, but also other supporting facilities, the northern hemisphere is located in the top three private hospitals in the interstellar rankings, and Windsor quickly booked him for a full set of examinations.


The physical examination for Tang Yihe was the previous Progeria research group, because of the previous chicken soup and the emergence of special drugs, this group has been disbanded, but Windsor has a big face, so the group gathered together and only gave him a comprehensive analysis.

Tang Yihe, who was surrounded by ten experts for the first time, was very calm and tossed with them.

First he drew a hundred milliliters of blood, scanned the organs and bones of the whole body, and finally screened the gene fragments, tossed for a whole day, and the result was both surprising and not too surprising: he really is not a Progeria patient!

"But Mr. Tang's physical fitness is indeed worse than that of ordinary people," the group leader held the frame and said meticulously, "We suspect that the genes are a bit special, and we recommend asking the genome people to do a detailed comparison to see which orc bloodlines are fused." "

Interstellar people evolve rapidly, new orc races appear every hundred years, and now there are tens of thousands of races registered in the whole interstellar, and it is a big project to determine what bloodline Tang Yihe mixed.

So the next day he was drawn another hundred milliliters of blood and sent for examination.

The genome did not dare to let the guests of Windsor wait for a long time, worked overtime for two days and two nights, compared all the gene fragments for a round, even all kinds of low-grade, low-evolution, low-IQ insect orc fragments, but did not find an exact matching fragment.

Together, Emma, it is possible that it is a newly evolved race! Or a new disease!

Either way, Tang Yihe is anything but unusual.

Suddenly, the top biologists in the interstellar group were attracted to him, and their eyes were so eager that they couldn't do it, as if he was waiting for a new continent to be conquered by science.

Tang Yihe was a little apprehensive at the sight, but what made him relieved was that these people really couldn't see the illusory mobile phone in the palm of his hand.

Of course, under the coercion of Windsor, biologists did not dare to do anything excessive to him, and they developed a gentle research protocol.

There was no slice, Tang Yihe was only drawn four hundred milliliters of blood, which was equivalent to an ordinary blood donation. However, because of his physique, he was pumped shakily and his face turned white.

Windsor was so anxious that Tang Yihe didn't say anything, she wanted to remove the needle on his arm.

The nurse laughed: "Don't worry about Mrs. General, Mr. Tang's blood loss is under control."

But Windsor was still not at ease, and after seeing his completely pale face after drawing blood, he asked people to give him nutritional blood - this is a very precious blood tonic that can replenish a lot of vitality in a short time, generally used in first aid, limited supply.

But she insisted on using it, and the nurse could only follow the instructions and input 10 ml to Tang Yihe, which was enough to make the patient with severe anemia red.

Who knew that Tang Yihe didn't react much, and he was even a little drowsy.

"Make it up again!" Windsor said without hesitation.

"But this is precious..." the nurse reminded hesitantly.

"I am a family member of a high-ranking officer, there should be a quota in my name, you give him all mine."

Nurse: "..."Okay, this is the biggest anemia patient she has ever met."

Windsor had 50 milliliters under her name, and finally she took it upon herself to move the 100 milliliters under Hades' name and import all of them into Tang Yihe.

Under normal circumstances, "eating" so much nutritious blood, seriously injured patients on the dying line can be discharged directly from the ICU, but Tang Yihe only slowly recovered half a point, opened his eyes and looked at the needle holes on his hands, his expression was a little innocent.

Checking his state again found that it was only half recovered, and the doctors exclaimed, what kind of bottomless pit is this?

The members of the genome came to give him other training, because to determine Tang Yihe's physical fitness level and physical limits, he was required to do a variety of sports.

What a long time without rest, long time exercise, long time hunger, etc., every time he tortured will add him with a new round of nutrients or vitality agents, surprisingly, Tang Yihe digested these things very well, and how much absorption was not enough for him to fill.

Of course, after absorbing, I didn't see how much his physical strength increased, which really caused headaches for experts.

After studying for four or five days, I finally drew ten milliliters of precious blood and sent it to some private research centers, hoping to get a different answer.


Tang Yihe was regarded as a cherished giant panda in the Demon Sirius, but Hades was shocked by the words of the research team.

He recalled an important thing, Tang Yihe had actually suffered from poor health before he was bitten, first palpitations, then gray hair, and finally suspected Progeria, and Hades could almost conclude that he had sucked his life to survive.

This realization made him shocked and afraid, he was usually nervous even when Tang Yihe stepped on the ground barefoot, not to mention that now he learned that he was the initiator of Tang Yihe's discomfort.

Hades paced around anxiously, deciding to return life no matter what!

But just as he was about to take the amethyst out of the laboratory, the rest of the military aircraft star also knew the "truth" of his rescue, and immediately became dissatisfied.

"It's not just you Demon Wolf Clan who is performing top-secret missions, why can you use it without permission?" It was the fox tribe who spoke, and he usually did not deal with Hades.

"In the wormhole, because the lieutenant general holds the spar in his hand to survive, and the rest of the people are all sacrificed, shouldn't we compensate the other sacrificers?"

"That's right, we also damaged twelve officers, and their families also have the right to use this spar."

Hades was so angry that his teeth itched, but when it came to interests, everyone did not intend to give in, and he could not tell the inside story that he had sucked Tang Yihe to survive, because it would involve the mobile phone farm against the sky, and he had already brought Tang Yihe a lot of trouble, and he could no longer put him on the cusp.

All the families wanted to control the spar, and they quarreled, and the spar was firmly in the hands of the Demon Wolf Clan.

Finally, Willa came forward, and Majesty said that this spar could not be used privately, including Hades. The discontent of the crowd subsided.

But they also had no access to it, so they could only pressure Hades to quickly take people to the location where the ore was discovered.

As a result, the young lieutenant general went on strike directly because he was unhappy.

"You guys are so capable, go dig it yourself," Hades said as he collapsed in his chair and said very arrogantly, "I just came out of there with a serious injury and need to take a vacation." The

officers: "..."You stinky boy, you dare to threaten us!"

But in this matter, they can only continue to play tricks, and they really can't do anything to him.

Hades, like many second-generation soldiers, won the rank as soon as he landed in the barracks, but he can climb as fast as him, and the whole interstellar cannot find a second, no matter how deviant and willful this guy is, it cannot erase the fact that he has a powerful dad and his own business is more outstanding.

- He is the only one among the senior officers who can manually drive dozens of combat warships, and his physical fitness is also the best, others can only fight for two consecutive days, he can fight for ten consecutive days, not only is he proficient in thousands of weapons, he can decipher various codes at the fastest speed ... The level of business can casually hang others, so every time there are some hard tasks, the above is also used to be handed over to him to do, every time he can break through the glasses and return triumphantly, can he not rise fast?

For example, that top-secret mission, is a hard bone that has plagued the army for ten years, the first few times sent people to excavate have gone back, or did not touch the edge at all, only this time, sent Hades and several other orc people together, as a result, Hades "died" for half a year, even the funeral was held to actually come back alive, and took the precious amethyst!

Now only he has first-hand information, and after everyone vents their dissatisfaction, they still have to hold him.

Amethyst has been discovered, the next step of exploration is a matter of time, Hades will undoubtedly participate, if anyone can follow, they can take the lead in the allocation of ore resources, so everyone lobbied desperately, asking him to bring people from his family to "experience".

Hades snorted and left them to dry for days. His mind turned, turning to the Demon Sirius, and it turned out that Tang Yihe's side was even more confusing than his own, and his farmer made the biologists of the whole interstellar crazy!

But until the end did not define his race, Tang Yihe was not affected by his "alien" at all, he should eat and sleep every day, and when he was not busy, he was still studying new dishes, and only occasionally asked Windsor: "When will the lieutenant general return?"

Hades thought of the confrontation before leaving, and decided with a palpitation - hide for two more days!

By the way, think about how to quietly return the vitality. God, he really didn't want this to be poked in the ears of the farmer, if he knew, he would have no room to turn over!

Hades scratched his ears and cheeks in distress, and fanned irritably the fragrance of flowers all over his body - no one knew that the reason why he went on strike was because of this damn body fragrance, especially when he went to release water in the middle of the meeting and bumped into his subordinates... Hey, it's hard to look back!

However, his wife still has to curry favor, and if he is not allowed to lose his breath, he will definitely be cut after he goes back.

In order to keep himself from being stewed into dog broth, Hades decides to follow his father's example and give a generous gift to the farmer.

There is no second hat worth ten billion "angel's kiss" hats, but other ten billion things can still be given.


Tang Yihe originally thought that Hades would return soon, who knew left and right, a few days later, the little beast was still on another planet.

He was not in a hurry, anyway, he made a bunch of spicy balls, and bought several sets of clothes, one of which turned out to be an unscrupulous bikini style... Horizontal and vertical are all dead, and he won't mind letting someone live for a few days.

Just thinking about it, suddenly the bracelet trembled, and one message after another kept flashing, brushing the floor, and suddenly filling the mailbox.

Tang Yihe opened the bracelet suspiciously, and saw what the recharge reminder was, because the brush was too fast, he didn't see it clearly, until the last one finally stopped on the screen.

【Your 1000,0000,0000T traffic has arrived, and the current balance: 1000,0203,6512. If you have any questions, please call Noah Service Number NY250]

Tang Yihe: ... The traffic company was hacked, right?

The author has something to say: Ha: For my sake, for the sake of me having one more 0 than Daddy, start tapping QAQ

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