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Chapter 75

Tang Yihe was originally half propped up on the bed, who knew that when he saw a flower in front of him, his shoulders were heavy, this behemoth savagely stepped onto the bed and pressed him back into the soft quilt, and his purple eyes were particularly large, full of fierce light, as if he wanted to eat him.

Tang Yihe subconsciously sank into the quilt, but was gouged and gouged by it again, as if digging for treasure, digging him out of the soft quilt.

Tang Yihe frowned, and just wanted to ask "Are you going to rebel", his face was hot, and his soft tongue licked up.

Xiao Ha viciously licked his cheek, left face, right face, the tip of his nose, and then pulled his hand, licked it in the palm of his hand, and angrily tried to bite his palm, but the force of the tooth was very small, and it did not hurt him at all.

It doesn't seem to be close to his hands, but to wash his hands, and it licks wet in just two strokes, but it has a special physique, and it has almost no unpleasant smell of saliva in ordinary dogs.

- Hmph, when the silly side herder licks his farmer, he wants to do this!

After licking his hand, he saw that the farmer looked shocked, his hair was still a little messy, and the button of his clothes was also off, revealing a half of his beautiful collarbone. Xiao Ha's eyes were hot, his courage was fat, and he wanted to come up and lick the corners of his mouth, or nibble on his collarbone.

Who knew that he was slapped by Tang Yihe, full of strength.

Xiao Ha's tongue was slapped and flung in his face.

Tang Yihe finished beating it up and kicked it up, knocking it off, and then tugging at his clothes. The wet hands made him uncomfortable, and a different sense of discord lingered in his heart.

He almost forgot that this product looked like a dog, but in fact, it was a bastard in a dogskin coat. When you think of it, you can't get as close to it as you used to.

Tang Yihe's face was livid, and he stood up quickly in silence and went to the bathroom to wash his hands and face.

Xiao Ha looked at his movements with his eyes open, knowing that he was too carried away just now, and touched his bottom line - cleanliness is really hateful and cute, like his cleanliness, but hate his unkindness, hmph, how can any pet not lick the owner.

But the farmer was really angry, and Xiao Ha could only nervously circle around his feet like a kitten and carefully rub his trouser tube.

Tang Yihe was not soft at all, and kicked it ruthlessly. But he is not a violent, although angry, there is still water in his consciousness, this kick does not use much strength, disgust deterrence is greater than punishment.

Who knew that this behemoth that was as strong as a mountain and the size of a cow and a horse crashed to the ground! Then he covered his kicked front foot and whined, as if he had suffered an internal injury from a martial arts master.

Tang Yihe: "..."


it be more obvious to touch porcelain?


Xiao Ha continued to pretend to be pitiful.

Tang Yihe smiled angrily, and couldn't wait to take out the hell ball immediately and stuff it into his mouth. The hell meatballs have a white skin and a bouncy texture made of chicken, but inside is a stuffing marinated with chili oil... One down, even Tang Yihe does not dare to guarantee any consequences, if it is not good, it will be spicy in the ambulance, or a hole in the stomach.

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