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Chapter 39

The weight and temperature on his back made Xiao Ha very fresh, and it was also very surprised, and he deliberately pouted his hind legs while running, throwing Tang Yihe and causing the poor farmer to exclaim lowly.

The speed of high-speed running made Tang Yihe's face white, but no matter how he patted Xiao Ha's back, this vicious dog did not let him down, but ran all the way, and his dirty paws stepped on the clean ground to leave a print, and in a blink of an eye, Xiao Ha carried him to an inexplicable place.

- Bathroom?

Xiao Ha stopped, his tail curled around Tang Yihe's slender limbs, and he put him down. His slippers had been thrown off when he ran just now, and now his feet were stepping on the dark brown carpet in vain, so white that Xiao Ha couldn't take his eyes off and wanted to take a bite.

But the residual taste in his mouth made him gag, so he arched Tang Yihe and arched to the edge of the sink.

The bathroom light source turned on automatically, and Tang Yihe's frightened face after some "drag racing" appeared in the mirror, as well as Xiaoha's two pointed ears.

Tang Yihe: "What do you do?"

Xiao Ha raised his paw, pointed to the toothbrush cup hanging on the wall, and then grinned, signaling that he wanted to brush his teeth. It has seen Tang Yihe rinse his mouth with a small brush many times, and every time he finishes brushing, he has a fresh smell when he speaks, and he likes it very much.

Tang Yihe: "..."

Shocked, this unruly vicious dog began to talk about hygiene?

"Woohoo!" Hurry up, you grindy farmer.

Tang Yihe cried and laughed, took a new toothbrush, because he didn't buy pet toothpaste, he squeezed himself up and squatted down.

"Open your mouth."

Xiao Ha wagged his tail happily because of his understanding doggy, and then opened his mouth without reserve.

Tang Yihe brushed the husky's teeth before, it was a scuffle, and he was almost rubbed by the stupid dog's teeth, so he was also a little apprehensive in the face of Xiaoha.

However, Xiao Ha was very well-behaved, and his mouth not only opened, but also slightly raised, adjusting the angle so that he could reach into the toothbrush.

Xiaoha's teeth are very sharp, there is not a single tooth decay, neatly, you can go to shoot pet toothpaste advertisements; Contrary to sharp fangs, the tongue is pink and tender, which is very cute.

After Tang Yihe brushed off the blood stains on his teeth, he saw his tongue shrinking there dumbly, and pressed the back of his toothbrush twice with a bad eye.

"Wang!" Xiao Ha roared warningly.

Tang Yihe straightened his face and said seriously: "What's it called, the tongue also has to help you brush."

Xiao Ha did not dare to speak, and continued to obediently open his mouth.

Tang Yihe's heart was about to laugh crazy, and on the surface, he had to pretend and press a few more times.

Probably brushing his teeth was uncomfortable, Xiao Ha's tail snapped impatiently and hit the ground, wanting to jump away from the small brush that was raging on his tongue. But...... The farmer in front of him was so close, so close that he could clearly smell the fresh breath of his body, and the dark eyes of the farmer were full of his own figure.

Oh, look, how serious he looks, how affectionate, how focused!

...... He also had a smile in his eyes.

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