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Chapter 54

The moment David was thrown down, he thought that he had encountered some powerful sneak attacker, and the silent approach and sudden explosion speed made him unable to react as an orc.

David reflexively wrestled with the attacker, but soon his sensitive nose smelled a familiar smell.


Who knew that the furry paw suddenly covered his mouth, and then the back of his neck tightened, and the big wolf cub that sneaked up on him actually grabbed him and quickly took him into the more hidden green forest.

Although David's beast form is not as good as Xiao Ha, but it is also a majestic large dog, but it is held like a doll, after a few takeoffs, the back of the neck is loose, Xiao Ha spits him to the side.

David fell to Venus, got up in shock, and when he saw that the beast in front of him was indeed the object he had been looking for for months, he lowered his voice in surprise: "Young Master Xiaoha!

Xiao Ha tilted his head and looked confused: "Huh?

David instantly turned back into human form, but Xiao Ha was frightened by his sudden change: "Woof! "Everyone is a dog, why are you able to come and go freely!

David didn't know why, but he looked at its robust body with joy and nervousness, and saw that it had shiny hair, a clean body, and even fatter than before, and suddenly felt a lot more relieved.

"Great, you're okay!" David was moved to tears, "Madam Admiral is very worried about you, we have also been looking for you, I have been here for a while, but why don't you contact me?"

Xiao Ha: "..." What is he talking about? Madam Admiral? Who?

David saw that it was silent, his eyes were vigilant, and he said: "This place has been cleaned by me, and it is currently safe, major general, please don't worry, are you on a special mission?" That's why you didn't return to the team?

Xiao Ha was even more confused by a series of questions, it stared at David's closed mouth, the familiar voice made the back of its head twitch, it resisted the urge to roll, closed its eyes, and after the pain passed, some fragments slowly appeared in its mind.

When it saw that he was still a little dog, the man in front of him also kept talking to himself like this, as if he was teaching himself how to pronounce it...

"Hades? Hades? David stretched out his hand and shook, suddenly nervous, "What's wrong with you?" Hurt?

He reached out to touch Xiao Ha's wrinkled forehead, but was huffed off by Xiao Ha's paw, and saw this big wolf dog staring at him, a series of difficult and troubled roars came out of his throat, his mouth moved, and he slowly uttered a jerky, vague human voice: "Big... Wei..."

The difficult pronunciation is like a child just learning to speak.

David looked at it in surprise.

"Yes, I'm David, how do you pronounce...?"

Xiao Ha stared at him deadly, trying to control his lips and tongue, and all kinds of strange syllables came out of his throat: "&(%¥%0..."

God, it feels like its teeth are not teeth, and its tongue is not tongue! It seems that every part is fighting.

But it learned quickly, and in David's shocked gaze, Xiao Ha gradually mastered the skill of pronunciation, and said with difficulty: "David... Be...... Who?

David was stunned: "You, you don't remember me?"

"No... Remember......


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