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Chapter 66

David naturally received the news of an explosion in the backyard of Tang Yihe's house, but his subordinates said that Tang Yihe was still at home well. He then put his mind at ease and stopped paying attention to it.

Tang Yihe carefully selected a few ingredients from the ground, and then carried a bag of food out with a kitchen knife. Because he was too calm when he went out, David's subordinates did not find anything unusual, staring at him with no sense of accomplishment in their respective posts, who knew that when he walked to the gate of Paton, he saw a strange car coming, Tang Yihe calmly compared the license plate number and got into the car.

Several staring people looked at each other.

"...... Where does he go if he doesn't have a good rest at home?

"He looks like he's walking with friends and relatives, carrying food."

"Brother, have you ever seen this kind of coffin face to visit friends? I'm afraid it's not a Hongmen banquet?

"Slow down, that car... Quickly notify the lieutenant general! Mr. Tang is on the thief's ship! A

moment later.

"Not good, can't be contacted!"

"What to do? If Mr. Tang had an accident..."

Several people were so anxious that they didn't care whether they would be exposed, so they turned into various animals and chased after them.


"Tweet !!!"

From the base of the silver snake, there was a delicate cry unique to small animals.

The two poisonous fangs were able to bite down, the skin was not broken, but in the Q bomb earlobe grinding, Wen Liguo opened his eyes in pain, saw the person in front of him, the earlobe that was bitten out of the tooth mark disappeared instantly, brushing the ground into long rabbit ears!

Snakes are irritable, and they will be very irritable when mating or eating is interrupted, especially if the prey is already in their mouths, not to mention that it is Mox, who is known for his delicious taste that is interrupted, his poisonous nature makes him reflexively fang, and the poison glands are also madly secreting venom, and the tension of being ready to bite the prey to death quickly spreads.

But the next second, seeing Wen Liguo's miserable little face, as well as his suddenly grown rabbit ears and two small rabbit teeth, Mox returned to his senses - oh my God, this is the second time he has to snake when eating.

It's a shame not to be able to control your bestiality! Mox withdrew his fangs in disguise.

"Eh, I'm not, I didn't..."

Who knew that before the words fell, the lower abdomen suddenly suffered a heavy blow! Wen Liguo's lower half turned into two powerful rabbit legs in the blink of an eye, and kicked Mox's soft abdomen fiercely. Although it's not seven inches, it hurts a lot!

Mox was immediately kicked and vomited a letter out, and did not slow down for a long time.

Wen Liguo had completely incarnated, taking the opportunity to jump out of his shackles and jump to the ceiling, hooking the beam with four claws, and a pair of red eyes.

"Hey!" Mox covered his stomach, "You actually dare to kick me?

Wen Liguo choked and said, "You, you're too much..."

Mox forced his stomach pain, and smiled angrily: "Rabbit bites people? Wen

Liguo shivered on the beam, snapping tears away, while rabbit teeth, the hair all over his body also exploded, looking super fierce!

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