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Chapter 32

Tang Yihe gave himself a day off this day, of course, when he saw the "rest today" sign hanging, the diners held their hungry stomachs, and they simply complained.

"Hey, this young man, just float while the business is good, there is no professional ethics at all..."

"That is, the business of Jupiter restaurant is also very hot, and it never rests 24 hours a day." An uncle hummed.

A young white-collar worker retorted to him unwillingly: "Hey, the boss is not an iron man, and he doesn't have a day off!"

"That's it, don't go too far, didn't the boss hurt his hand some time ago, and he still insisted on cooking for us, and he was already very hardworking."

When Mary came, she saw a group of people waiting outside arguing, and she walked over curiously, and she was speechless when she saw the sign.

A little girl cried because she couldn't buy Lunjiao cakes: "No matter how handsome he is, he will lose his baby!"

Mary: "I spend more than 30,000 a month here, and I don't think I will lose me."

"Wow, more than thirty thousand! My sister is amazing.

"I also have one or twenty thousand... Eh, I can't tell, I have to come here with my boyfriend every week on a date. Another little girl spread her hands.

"Are you all regular diners?"

Maria was extremely proud: "I am a certified senior diner by Boss Tang, at the level of a veteran.

The little girl was even more proud than her: "My boyfriend and I were the first customers of this store, and he said that the first glass of lemonade was what we consumed!"

Others showed envious eyes when they heard this: lemonade, oh my God, the fairy drink that can only be seen in many diners and online messages, it is said that it only appeared for a few days, and it is still remembered by those diners.

The uncle asked, "Why is there no lemonade later?"


little girl tilted her head and muttered: "The boss said that the ingredients are particularly high-grade and precious." However, he promised to relist it whenever the time came.

"He told you that himself?"

"Yes." The little girl continued, "But I guess it is also a limited supply, after all, it is rare!"


diners looked at the little girl's gaze differently, intuiting that she was an insider, and seemed to have an unusually deep relationship with Tang Yihe, and only after her did she have meat to eat.

Everyone secretly wanted to add the little girl's circle of friends, so that she could share it with everyone if she had internal information. Now Tang Gate cuisine is not as good as before, there are too many diners, and they accidentally grab it, then how sorry they are.

The little girl thought for a while: "Then let's set up a 'Tangmen Foodie Group', and notify each other of any promotions or new products."

"Okay, good..."

The uncle who complained before snorted, feeling a little embarrassed to play the group with this group of young people, but he was very curious about what lemonade tasted like, so he cheekily joined the 'Tangmen Foodie Group'.

Not long after Tang Yihe left, where did he think that his store actually had a discussion group, let alone that this small organization with only a few people at present would develop into a fan support club for the Tang family's small restaurant in the future.

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