Chapter 7

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


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turn off the lights




Chapter 7

    Today Lu Xingyun did himself a favor again, seeing that he was so busy a few days ago that his feet didn't touch the ground, but he was at home today, so he should be on vacation. Why don't you cook him a meal today and thank him.

    Last time he ate so much, he probably likes his cooking skills.

    It would actually be easier if I could give him a small gift, but the expensive Nanzhi was reluctant. If you buy him practical things, such as chickens and ducks, Brother Lu should think she is crazy.

    So it's better to cook him a meal.

    In the evening, Nanzhi bought some vegetables and came home, the door was already locked, presumably the air conditioner had been installed.

    She went back to the bedroom and took a look. It was indeed installed, not even a bit of rubbish, it should be cleaned by Lu Xingyun.

    She turned around and walked to the door of 601, rang the doorbell, and the door opened quickly.

    Nanzhi raised her smiling face, flushed, after a busy day outside, her forehead was wet with sweat, like a small animal that had been playing outside all day and finally came home at night.

    "Brother Lu, thank you today, come to my house for dinner tonight, and I'll make it for you."

    Lu Xingyun originally guessed that she was here to thank him, because Nanzhi usually doesn't contact him at all, and he usually takes the initiative to talk to her when he meets her. Say hello and she will respond. For the rest of the time, don't contact if you can't contact, let alone contact yourself actively.

    I thought she bought some small gift to thank me, and the words of refusal came to my mouth. When I heard that she wanted to treat me to dinner, I swallowed the words I wanted to say.

    Since the last time he ate the meal she cooked, he couldn't forget it for a long time, and there was no reason to ask her to cook for him again. Now that he was finally invited again, a fool would refuse.

    He followed Nan Zhi into the door of 602, and saw Nan Zhi lifted her hair and put the apron around her neck. For some reason, looking at her back under the warm yellow light, Lu Xingyun seemed to see "home" in her. "'s shadow.

    In a daze, Nanzhi was ready and started washing vegetables to prepare dinner.

    He just came to his senses and pinched his thigh lightly, why didn't he realize before that he was still a bit of a wretched idiot, he was still a kid in college, what were you thinking about you.

    Originally, he wanted to go to the kitchen to help her, but now he didn't dare to go there, pretending to study the books on the table in the living room.

    Nan Zhi turned around and saw Lu Xingyun reading the "Duck and Goose Feed Preparation" he bought...

    Who would have thought that a handsome urban guy would have such a hobby? If I had known earlier, I would have given him a pair of ducks, which can lay eggs and eat meat...

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