Chapter 99

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


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turn off the lights




Chapter 99

    The sky seemed to be leaking, and pieces of hailstones fell from the sky.

    At first, it was only the size of a grain of rice, but later the hail became denser and larger. When Nanzhi and Lu Xingyun first ran from the market to the mountain road, the hail was already the size of a thumb.

    "Tick-tick" hit the umbrella that Lu Xingyun was holding, hitting a hole in it. Fortunately, the quality of the umbrella in their hands was not bad, and it seemed that they could hold on.

    "Why did it suddenly start to rain?"

    She hasn't had any precognitive dreams in this regard recently, has she? Is it because the hailstorm is not very disastrous this time, or is it because her prophetic dreams have failed and she will not be able to have prophetic dreams in the future?

    "I don't know, let's hurry up, the hailstone is getting bigger and bigger." Seeing that the thumb-sized hailstones are getting less and less, replaced by more and more hailstones the size of a child's fist.

    A stone-like hailstone slammed down and just landed on top of Zheng Ping's head. The umbrella in Zheng Ping's hand blocked most of the force. One umbrella rib was bent, and Zheng Ping's hand holding the umbrella was also hit by the force just now Slight tingling.

    Nan Zhi was taken aback, "Hurry up, let's go back quickly."

    The three of them quickened their pace and ran towards the halfway up the mountain.

    Most of the people visiting the market nearby didn't bring umbrellas, so they could only run to their homes down the mountain under the hailstorm, and they would be hit if they were not careful.

    Nanzhi had already seen that most of the heads were bruised and purple, and several people were injured by the blow, leaving deep red blood stains along the wounds.

    There are many people coming to the top of the mountain today, and there are only two ways to go down the mountain. One direction faces the mountain road leading to the sea, and most of the citizens of Twinings take this path when they go home. The other is the other side of the mountain. Most of the outsiders or nearby farmers who come today take this path.

    There is an emergency, no one has cleared it, and the road is narrow and crowded. It is obvious that no matter which road, there is congestion at the intersection.

    As soon as Nanzhi and Lu Xingyun arrived at the intersection, there were already a lot of people crowded here. The hailstorm kept falling, and it was getting bigger and bigger. Everyone wanted to go back to their cave as soon as possible, but they could only squeeze in for the time being. You can't move at the intersection, and you can't move forward if you want to. I wanted to go back to the iron house supermarket or under the gazebo to avoid the limelight for a while, but more and more people came behind me, and I couldn't go back even if I wanted to, so I could only be squeezed in place and smashed.

    As a result, most people could only push the people in front of them. At the downhill intersection, several people in the middle fell directly to the ground because of too much push behind them.

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