Chapter 24

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


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Chapter 24

    Just that little bit of beans, the bean sprouts that grew out were eaten by the three of Nanzhi for two days.

    The temperature is gradually dropping. Although there is no weather forecast to report the temperature, the people in Nanzhi clearly feel that they can already carry out activities in the sun against the sun at noon. Even though it is still hot and sweaty, the feeling of suffocation of walking in the sun a month ago is gone.

    The temperature has dropped, but the water shortage situation has not been alleviated, and the water shortage situation has even become more severe. In some families with a large number of people, in order to save a sip of water for future generations, the elderly will go to the hospital due to lack of water, and there are not a few.

    When Nanzhi went downstairs today, she saw people in the community queuing up to register their information. She had heard earlier that in order to facilitate management, a population registration census would be carried out in the next few days.

    She saw that an old man in the team was obviously not in the right condition. He had been wiping his sweat and covered his mouth with a handkerchief cut from a towel to reduce the volume of his coughing.

    He coughed more and more, his face turned red, and before he could catch his last breath, he fell straight to the ground.

    Nan Zhi was startled, and the people around the old man were also startled, and they all took a few steps back.

    A young man who was close to the old man waved his hands and backed away, and kept yelling, "He fell down by himself, it's none of my business. It's the end of the world, these old things won't want to touch it anymore." Porcelain."

    The person next to him couldn't listen any longer, "Looking at his face, he should be feeling unwell, so you don't have to say a few words."

    Seeing more and more people, that person stopped talking resentfully.

    Seeing the soldiers who were distributing relief food, Nanzhi came forward and knelt down to give first aid to the old man, but the old man on the ground still didn't move at all.

    Nanzhi suddenly remembered that the SA virus had not been wiped out by the rain, and guessed that the old man probably had SA.

    A few soldiers carried the old man away, and Nan Zhi was about to line up to get supplies when he suddenly saw some unfamiliar faces in the corner of the community.

    A few strangers could not attract Nan Zhi's attention, mainly these few people made Nan Zhi feel very weird and a little intuitively afraid.

    All of them are tall and burly, and they are very different from their normal people in such an apocalyptic world.

    Most of the people Nanzhi saw had sallow complexions and shiny hair, like cabbages that had been sun-dried, and they had no energy all day long.

    These people have ruddy complexions and strong muscles, and they don't look like they have been tortured by this weird natural disaster. There were two other people smoking, and they looked past their line as if they were sizing up the goods.

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