Chapter 95

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


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Chapter 95

    "Have you packed it?"

    Lu Xingyun leaned against the door of the bedroom, looked down at Nanzhi picking and choosing in the cabinet and was having a hard time making a decision.

    Liquor is a good thing. If she takes the liquor to the market, she will definitely be able to exchange it for her favorite dried fruits and fruit tree seeds. But they also need liquor at ordinary times, and they usually use it for cooking and cooking. In addition, there is no factory that produces liquor in the city now, and there may not be any in the future. These liquors must not be used anymore.

    There are not many canned meat left, and these can't be taken out for exchange.

    Apart from these, the most conspicuous pile of coal bought before the end of the world is the most in their space.

    Now they live in the mountains, and it is easy to get fuel, so these coals are not precious things.

    In the end, Nanzhi took some dried sweet potatoes, dried mushrooms that had just been dried, and waxy corn that had been frozen in the refrigerator, and put them in his backpack. It's the same when you get back.

    Because the altitude of the back mountain is not low, they used to climb halfway up the mountain with great effort. They had never been to the top of the mountain before. This was the first time for Nanzhi to go to the top of the mountain.

    After walking along the road for a short time, the road came to an end, and the rest were all stone-paved steps, and they could only climb up step by step.

    The last few steps were all supported by Lu Xingyun, this journey was much steeper than going from the foot of the mountain to their house. Nan Zhi, who originally thought he was fine, now sees his trashy physique clearly. The backpack on his back was picked up by Zheng Ping a long time ago, Lu Xingyun and Zheng Ping didn't sweat on their foreheads, and even their breathing wasn't too messy. She was the only one who was almost exhausted and paralyzed just by climbing the mountain.

    Finally reached the top of the mountain, Nanzhi spread out directly on the grass, "No, I'm too old, I can't walk anymore."

    Lu Xingyun: ...

    Among them, Nanzhi is the youngest. Lu Xingyun is one year older than Zheng Ping, two years older. They are from the same school, and Lu Xingyun is still Zheng Ping's direct senior, and they had a good relationship when they were studying. Zheng Ping went to the company to help Lu Xingyun as soon as he graduated, so he is willing to give him a hand after the end of the world.

    "Nan Zhi, you are the youngest among us, you are only 21 this year, what will we do if you are old?"

    Zheng Ping said with a smile beside him.

    "I'm so tired!"

    Lu Xingyun squatted down and squeezed her shoulders, "I've never seen you so tired when climbing mountains." "

    Is that a road? Even if the path is very gentle, the stone stairs on this road are almost sloping into It's forty or fifty degrees, and I just keep climbing up, and my delicate body can't bear it."

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