Chapter 106

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


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Chapter 106

    The atmosphere of hard work permeated the entire Chuanning City. Every household left early and returned late. Logs were chopped down and carried back home, and carps were caught back to the cave. Whether it is the urban white-collar workers who were pampered in the past, or the elites of all walks of life, now they have thick calluses on their palms and finger pads, and bloodstains on their shoulders. These are all formed by long-term work. .

    But not everyone is in such a hurry to work. In a backlit mountain valley, there is a cluster of extraordinarily lush and green bushes. If someone takes a closer look, they can see fresh leaves falling from the bushes, no? What wild animals rub off is man-made.

    Behind the dense bushes is a dark cave, but it is not gloomy inside, but very lively.

    The refugees who live here are the refugees who have just arrived here. They are different from the first group of people. They are used to the life of pleasure, and they are required to put down their bodies to do those jobs. Blowing in the sun is worse than killing them.

    There are men and women in this group, and they have many things in common. The biggest thing in common is that they look good. This makes them very good at using their own advantages, and let other people who look at them act as cows and horses for them in the early days of the end of the world. As long as their meal tickets can no longer support them, or they feel that the other party is useless, these people will leave them and look for meal tickets again.

    Later, life became more and more difficult, and no one was so stupid to lie to them for nothing, so they began to clearly mark the price and use their bodies to support themselves.

    After the local area became more and more chaotic and there were no resources around them, they followed most of the people out of the province to seek a living and became refugees.

    This group of people was not together at the beginning, they were like-minded and slowly gathered together on the road, and they got together and scattered along the way, and there were quite a few people when they arrived in Chuanning City.

    After all, before the end of the world, they were people who had experienced the basic moral education of society. At the beginning, they were a bit reluctant and sneaky in this industry, but later they became shameless when they became hungry. In a village, those people can seduce other people's husbands in front of their wives, as if after the end of the world, they slowly lost their sense of shame.

    After finally arriving in Twining City, they simply found a secluded place to start "doing business".

    As long as the men and women passing by are attracted by their beautiful appearance, they are basically pulled into the cave by them, or they are in the wild.

    Before sleeping, they called "Brother, Wife" tenderly. After sleeping, they complained sadly about how they had been wronged along the way, why they were hungry all the way here, winter is coming, they have nothing to worry about. No, you may die of starvation, disease, cold and cold in the end.

    Most men or women will give some food and firewood if they are soft-hearted.

    Some stingy ones will leave if they want to prostitute for free, and they will not accept soft and hard things. After the above set is useless, they still don’t give it? If you don't give it, you will drag people away, and if you want to make trouble, everyone knows that it is impossible. In the end, there was no other way, and most of them could only consider themselves unlucky and go home to secretly give food to their mistresses.

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