Chapter 31

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


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turn off the lights




Chapter 31

    Nan Zhi's eyes widened in an instant, why didn't she find out that the sow at home was pregnant.

    She stretched her head and leaned forward to have a look, and found that the sow's belly seemed to be a little bigger?

    After Lu Xingyun came out, he took off his apron and crappy boots.

    "Why are you so confused?" Lu Xingyun smiled lightly and rubbed her head.

    Nanzhi immediately hid to the side, a little furious, "You haven't washed your hands yet, how can you rub my head?"

    Lu Xingyun, dumbfounded, walked to the stream and washed his hands, then lowered his head and drank a few sips of water to moisten his throat . Although Nanzhi didn't have much water shortage at home, he still kept some carefully, for fear that she would be thirsty and run out of water that day. Seeing that she has such a baby, I don't worry anymore, and I finally drank water to my heart's content today.

    Then Lu Xingyun went to the house to have a look, and the three or four rooms inside were already filled to the brim with the things Nan Zhi bought, and all the daily necessities he could think of could be seen here, it could be seen that Nan Zhi had done enough homework.

    "It must have been tiring to prepare these." Lu Xingyun sighed.

    "It's okay." Nanzhi was cleaning the tool shovel for shoveling shit.

    "Woof, woof, woof." Nanzhi and Lu Xingyun heard Erbao's call at the door, and then a Tibetan mastiff ran into the house.

    Lu Xingyun asked, "Da Bao?"

    Nan Zhi knelt down and rubbed its head in embarrassment, "This is Er Bao, both Da Bao and Er Bao were raised by me."

    Er Bao started to shake wildly when he heard Da Bao's name tail, sticking out his tongue to lick Nanzhi's face.

    Seeing this, Lu Xingyun quickly pressed Er Bao's head, I haven't gotten so close to my wife yet, and said with a smile, "Er Bao misses Da Bao, let's take him out to play with Da Bao "

    Erbao understood Lu Xingyun's words, and looked at Lu Xingyun with bright eyes, unable to see the sinister thoughts in his heart at all, and the afterimage of his tail was shaking.

    Nanzhi also noticed that Erbao really wanted Dabao, so he brought Lu Xingyun and Erbao out.

    Er Bao followed the smell and ran to the next door, and brought Da Bao over after a while. Followed by Zheng Ping Ula Ula screaming.

    He was fooled by Lu Xingyun's sentence "Maybe Dabao's friend came to look for it."

    As soon as the two dogs saw each other, they began to roll and play together, and it could be seen that they were really happy.

    After Nanzhi came out, he began to prepare dinner. He took out a bag of frozen hard shrimps from the refrigerator, picked two big green vegetables from the next room, boiled the dried fungus and soaked them in water, and picked them on the balcony when he needed seasoning. a green onion.

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