Chapter 58

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


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Chapter 58

    It was almost noon after picking up the livestock, so the battalion commander simply invited the three of them to the army cafeteria for lunch.

    It was the first time for Nanzhi to visit the army canteen. Most of them were soldiers in green clothes, and a small number of them seemed to be military families.

    The canteen was very large, and they followed the battalion commander to the window to order two dishes.

    The potato shreds that have remained unchanged for thousands of years, as well as braised fish and chili wolf meat, except for a potato, the rest are all meat dishes, and there are no vegetarian dishes. There is also sliced ​​mushroom soup next to it, and there are only a few dozen slices of mushrooms floating in a large pot of soup.

    Nanzhi and Lu Xingyun didn't want wolf meat, they only wanted shredded potatoes and fish, and took a bowl to scoop up the soup. Nanzhi took a sip, and it was like white water, with only a little bit of the fragrance of mushrooms.     "We can still eat wolf meat these days. We usually eat potatoes and meat from hunting. Except rabbit meat is pheasant. This wolf meat is still the animals that were killed last time, but we have to eat them all, fortunately. A few brought us timely rain." The battalion commander introduced while eating.     Pork is the belief of the vast majority of Chinese people. Now they are raised by the pigs introduced by Nanzhi, which can be regarded as a reassurance for them, and they don’t have to worry about not having meat in the future.     "Are there no vegetables?" Nan Zhi still asked.     "We still had vegetables to eat when the temperature first dropped, but now the temperature is so low, vegetables can't grow at all, and we don't have to eat them. I lack vitamins, and my gums have been bleeding recently. Alas, vegetables were frozen a while ago. Dead, each army divided a large number of vegetables, we almost vomited after eating for a long time, and now we don’t have to eat if we want to eat...” There are     a lot of them in their space, but they can’t grow at this time Vegetables cannot be traded.     After everyone finished their lunch, they began to trade livestock.

    Although the normal price in the market is 1 SGD per catty of grain, meat and vegetables are more expensive, about 5 to 10 SGD per catty of meat, and 10 to 20 SGD per catty of vegetables, fluctuating randomly. But apparently the chickens, ducks and pigs brought by Nanzhi and the others cannot be calculated according to this price. This is to raise sustainable chickens and ducks for them, and they can even lay eggs every day. At this time, it is no different from a chicken that lays golden eggs. , a priceless treasure.

    "The price of chickens and ducks is 200 SGD each, and the price of pigs is 1,000 SGD per piece?" If you are not satisfied, you can adjust it.

    There are still more than 8,000 SGDs that are useless, and they have no obsession with SGDs now. The price sounds okay, so they agreed.

    So today they have more than 18,600 new coins in their account.

    Company Commander Xu and Battalion Commander looked at the piglets and chicks in the cage with smiles of taking advantage of it.

    There are still a lot of "lanugo" in this batch of chicks that haven't shed yet, and they feel fluffy to the touch. The battalion commander didn't want to let go when holding them, and the chicks pecked his palm impatiently.

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