Chapter 13

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


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Chapter 13

    A bright red slap imprint quickly appeared on the woman's face, covered even with thick foundation, and she was about to hit back angrily, when Lu Xingyun grabbed her raised hand, "You want to hit her in front of me? "The dark eyes were full of sarcasm and obvious anger.

    The anger was like sparks. When it burned her, she unconsciously flinched, but she couldn't break away from Lu Xingyun's restraint. He turned around and yelled at the bodyguard he hired, "You are pigs, why don't you give me that?" What's the use of a high salary?"

    Nanzhi beat someone to calm down, then poked his waist behind him, signaling him to let him go.

    Lu Xingyun received the signal, let go of the person, unconsciously rubbed his elbow on the place Nanzhi touched just now, itching.

    The woman gave the two of them a bitter look, rubbed the sore spot on her wrist, "Go, find that bitch!"

    On the way, she even kicked her husband's calf with her high heels, "How dare you?" Lie to me, you are so afraid that I will find your concubine, right..."

    The group of people in the corridor followed like mice smelling rice, wanting to watch the excitement.

    Nanzhi lost interest, and pulled Lu Xingyun in. Today is really unlucky, his mother opened the door for his son, and Unlucky is home.

    "It's a good thing you came back today, otherwise I would have made trouble at the police station, and they almost broke the door."

    Lu Xingyun also felt that it was dangerous. Today, that person found the wrong person. What if someone really deliberately troubles her in the future? manage? Along the way, he could see that the law and order at this time was really bad. A lonely girl, thinking about it, was very dangerous.

    Lu Xingyun asked about his worries, but Nan Zhi was not worried, his eldest and second treasures were several young and strong men.

    "I'm fine. Don't you still live next door? If you're in trouble, can you help me? We're good friends." Nanzhi said with a smile.

    The speaker had no intention but the listener did, Lu Xingyun's sense of responsibility spontaneously arose, and his heart softened immediately. Yes, he would always help her.

    "Today you said..." Nanzhi remembered what Lu Xingyun said now, and she was a little embarrassed to ask directly. She didn't know if he was serious or just wanted to help her.

    But she always has to ask clearly, if such a top-notch handsome guy really likes her and says she doesn't tremble a little, then it must be a lie, and she still retains a little girlish vanity.     But she doesn't know whether Lu Xingyun likes the real her or the way she is showing now. The real her is selfish, cowardly, inferior and even has such an ugly family.     What's more, the end of the world is coming, and she still has such a big secret as space.     She couldn't be sure if Lu Xingyun was the other half of her life, and she couldn't bet her life on a man's character.     "I feel bad for a man, three years of bad luck. Sympathy for a man, bad luck for a lifetime." The female guest on the variety show on TV said, Nanzhi has been unlucky all her life, and she doesn't want to be unlucky again in this life. Love, marriage, men and so on, don't think about it now!     Lu Xingyun hasn't decided whether to confess his love, but he does have a crush on Nan Zhi.     When she first moved here, she was mostly just curious, but when the two of them got along casually, he became more and more fond of Nanzhi, who lived alone but was optimistic and open-minded. I like to admire her keen insight, like her cleverness, like her calmness in serious life, and the combination of tenacity and fragility, all of which moved his heart... During the few weeks he     left Nanzhi, he received a letter from her. When VX greeted him, at that moment, he was indeed happier than having earned hundreds of millions. So he chatted with her every day, wanting to build up a relationship with him, and even told her what he ate every day.     But he could clearly see that when she asked himself just now, the defense and disbelief in her eyes could not be deceived.     He didn't take advantage of the trend to confess, he subconsciously felt that if he confessed at this time, he would be rejected 100%. Although he was a little frustrated, he would not give up because of this little setback. Talking about a project in the company still has to go through ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties, not to mention that this is a project that concerns one's life, and it is not difficult to justify at all.

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