Chapter 92

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 92

    When I arrived at Nana's house in the evening, "A housewarming gift for you."

    Nan Zhi took the twenty corns from Lu Xingyun's hand and handed them to Nana.

    "Why did you still take something? We just had a light meal." Nana felt a little embarrassed. They just cooked sweet potatoes for guests today. They didn't expect to receive so much corn. After all, they still made money.

    After dinner and chatting for a while, Nanzhi and Nana said goodbye and went home.

    Because it has been rainy recently, the humidity in the cave is very heavy, and Nanzhi’s clothes in the living room are all damp, and a few grasses have grown in the corners of the walls. Maybe because of the lack of light, the grasses are a little yellow.

    Nanzhi pulled out the few weeds casually, and then took out the firewood that was put in the space last year, and piled it directly on the platform where it could be blown by the wind.

    In this way, you don't have to worry about the firewood getting wet.

    It is a neat stack when it is put in, and it is also a stack when it is placed out. It is very time-saving and labor-saving, and there is no need for Nanzhi and others to stack it again.

    As night fell, it was colder at night than during the day. Nan Zhi guessed that the temperature had dropped to more than ten degrees, and her hands and feet felt icy cold.

    There is no dehumidifier at home, and there is no dehumidifier in the cave, so Nanzhi simply turned on the fire in the stove at this time, just in time to roast the moist quilt and clothes at home.

    The three of them gathered around the fire, and the shadows behind them shone on the wall, and the shadows kept shaking as the fire flashed.

    "I don't know when the rain will last." Nan Zhi said.

    "Probably about the same as last year, about two months?" Zheng Ping turned over the dry clothes on his hands and continued to bake them.

    "I heard that it has been raining for the past few days, and the University City area under the mountain has been completely flooded. Some people saw crocodiles in the water when they went home to carry food."

    This is what they heard when they went to Nana's house as guests. They didn't go down the mountain, but Nana and the others just moved up from the mountain, and they knew a lot of news that they didn't know.

    As if a group of young people were talking about learning scriptures from the Western Paradise by carrying food back home, Nan Zhi, who was vivid and colorful, was unconsciously immersed in the scene, followed by fear.

    "We didn't seem to have crocodiles here before?" They had no plans to go down the mountain these days, but they couldn't guarantee whether they would go down the mountain in the future. If they really encountered crocodiles, it would be very dangerous.

    "Don't worry, in the eyes of people nowadays, it's not a beast that hurts people, it's walking meat."

    Didn't I hear Nana and the others say that a group of people caught a crocodile and killed it to make soup?

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