Chapter 63

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


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Chapter 63

    Wearing not-so-good dark clothes, some people rolled up their trousers, a pair of army green rubber shoes on their feet, a hoe on their shoulders, and Nanzhi carried a two-liter pink water bottle on his shoulders. They chatted and walked to their own fields.

    Wei Junlang and Zheng Ping were chattering about their recent hunting in the mountains. Zheng Ping was very supportive, and when the other party said something, he would reply like an admiration.

    Meng Xin hugged Nan Zhi's arm, talking to her about the gossip he had just heard today.

    "I heard that a homeless man came to visit your house two days ago?" Meng Xin looked down on this kind of person very much. He was good at hands and feet, so why would he come up with crooked ideas.

    "Have you heard?" Nan Zhi didn't expect that Meng Xin and the others who lived in the university city had heard about it. Now the communication tools are useless, but the gossip news spread far and wide.

    "Yes, everyone in our area has heard about it, but they don't know who they are talking about. I only knew it was you when I heard your name. Everyone is still teaching the children at home to keep them away from such people. "

    Meng Xin yawned as she spoke. In winter, it dawns very late, and she is used to sleeping in late. Now she has to get up early to farm, and she is still not used to it.

    "We still have an old man who sets up a street stall to tell fortunes. One Singapore dollar or half a catty of grain is counted once, which is more open than this kind of shameless father who wants to be a father." Meng Xin said.

    A few people chatted along the way, and came to their own private plot. The sweet potato vines in the field were not as wilted as they were just planted. weeds.

    Because there is not much fertilizer in stock, they don't distribute much. If they want potatoes and sweet potatoes to grow well, they can only work hard to get rid of the weeds that compete with the crops for fertilizer.

    From time to time, there are children running and jumping on the road next to the field, waving and playing with sticks of dogtail grass, and crisp laughter echoes in this area.

    As far as the eye could see, they were all bent over and pouting their buttocks, sweating profusely in the field, which almost made Nanzhi think that he had returned to the peaceful village when he was a child.

    But the ruins that have not been cleaned up in the distance made her sober. This is not arable land and farming in the peaceful era, but life-saving food that everyone grows for their own survival.

    Next to him, Wei Junlang had a large family and was quick at work, using a hoe to hoe a large area of ​​grass.

    Nanzhi was not as fast as them, and he took a closer look at them. There were a few emerald green sweet potato vines in the weed pile.

    She twitched the corners of her mouth, because the distance between the crops is not too wide, and the front end of the hoe is relatively wide. If you are not skilled in weeding with a hoe, the crops and weeds will be killed together, so the whole family pulls them out by hand. Grass.

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