Chapter 12

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 12

    The weather has always been like this, and there is no intention of cooling down. Even the temperature is still rising slowly. Many rivers in Huaguo have dried up or even stopped flowing. Of course, Chuanning City has also entered a water crisis.

    Twinings City has started water saving actions. There is no tap water every morning, and tap water will be provided from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

    There is enough water in Nanzhi's space, so I don't worry at all. But I still went to the supermarket to buy a box of mineral water and a large six-liter bottle of tap water to put at home.

    After thinking about it, I connected all the pots and buckets at home with water, and asked Lu Xingyun on VX, and he directly told Nan Zhi the password to open the door, and asked her to connect all the pots and buckets in his house with water, so that When she runs out of water at home, she uses his.

    Nanzhi also asked by the way when Lu Xingyun would come back, he explained that he was on a business trip in the capital, and there should be two weeks left.

    In the following time, Lu Xingyun would chat with Nan Zhi in VX, and talk with Nan Zhi about the interesting things he encountered.

    Nan Zhi had never been out of the province since she was a child, so she also found it very interesting what he said, and chatting with him seemed to have become a part of her daily life.

    A week later, Twinings began losing power.

    The official explanation is that the power supply of Twining City relies on hydropower generation in the southwest of Twining City. Now that the rivers are almost dry, the supply of hydropower resources is of course insufficient. So now Chuanning City also implements intermittent power supply.

    Now the daytime temperature has reached about 50 degrees, and the air conditioner is absolutely inseparable, so it is impossible to cut off the power during the day, only at night.

    The bustling, bright, feasting city finally returned the black to nature. For the first time, the neon lights flickering at night and the street lamps on both sides of the road lit up like fire dragons, all went dark.

    Nanzhi felt that without these lights, it seemed that the speed of the city had slowed down.

    Even if there are no street lights, the neighborhood at night is very lively. No one wants to miss the time to relax at night. There are also many people holding mobile phones to light up, leaving a few clusters of light in the night.

    There are more and more leaves on the road, all scorched by the daytime sun and falling from the trees.

    There will be a crisp "creak" sound when it goes up, and children like it. They specially look for crisp leaves to step on, and parents can't pull them.

    The weather is abnormal like this, and the epidemic is threatening. Schools all over the country are closed. Presumably the happiest people at this time are the children who don't have to be restrained in school.

    The family conditions of the people in her community must be not bad, and Nanzhi didn't find a few people who were frowning all day long.

    But she who has a golden finger knows that most people at this time are living in dire straits.

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