Chapter 79

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


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Chapter 79

    People, there are people everywhere, rubbing shoulders, and even turning around can step on one foot.

    The three of them came to fetch water for the first time, because they would not be confused if they followed acquaintances.

    It wasn't too late when they came, and of course it couldn't be considered early, because there were already people in the queue.

    This is an open-air grassland, and the water intake area is divided on each water intake truck. The sign next to the water intake truck stipulates which area and community people should fetch water here.

    The three of Nanzhi followed Aunt Wei's family through the sea of ​​people and lined up in front of the water truck belonging to their community.

    This team is basically people from their community, and the topics of conversation on the left and right are all about "Li Jiangsheng's cheating". Nanzhi doesn't feel bored listening to it in line, even though she already knows most of the gossip, It's still exciting to listen to it again.

    It looks like there are a lot of people in the line, but in fact, a large part of them are families chatting together in the line. After getting the water, they are the whole family, so they move forward very fast.     More than an hour later, Nanzhi approached the water fetching truck, and handed in the household registration booklet in his hand for registration. On the page of family members, the names of Lu Xingyun and Zheng Ping were written in handwriting, and the unmarried was crossed out and written on. marriage.     After the natural disaster, there was no machine to modify the household registration book, so such direct modification is very common, and the registration staff was not surprised, and directly registered three members of their family.     Nanzhi handed the two mineral water bottles to the water receiving staff, and took back two full bottles of mineral water within a minute.     "Next, next, stop chatting, there are still many people behind, hurry up." The     registration staff was soaked in sweat, and their clothes were dripping water. They wiped the sweat from their faces and turned on the loudspeaker Get it to your lips.     "I'm coming!"

    The people behind Nanzhi didn't see the three of them talking, and thought they were two families, so they turned around and chatted with them. Unexpectedly, this turned out to be a family, and it was her turn as soon as the three of Nanzhi left, so she was urged by the registration staff.

    Holding the two bottles of water in their hands, the three hurriedly left the crowded and hot crowd.

    There is a supermarket next to it, thinking that it has been a long time since I visited a supermarket, Nanzhi pulled Lu Xingyun and walked into the supermarket.

    A few steps inside, there is a ceiling fan creaking on the roof, which is indeed much cooler than outside.

    The variety of goods in the supermarket is also much more than before. The sales volume of rice has been reduced, and a lot of corn kernels, sweet potatoes and potatoes have been added. There are also their derivatives, such as starch, dried sweet potatoes, potato cakes, vermicelli, etc.

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