Chapter 43

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 43

    After Nanzhi found the persimmons, he seemed to have run out of luck. He didn’t find any other mountain products until after four o’clock in the afternoon. He thought of peeling chestnuts and stewing rabbits at night. Carrying a basket of dead branches and dry pine needles for ignition, I went home.

    After returning home, Nanzhi divided the chestnuts he brought home into two portions, one was used to peel and stew rabbits, the other was put aside first, and fried as a snack when he was free.

    Thinking of the tongue-swallowing taste of the sugar-fried chestnuts on the street, Nan Zhi swallowed unconsciously.

    After peeling two or three chestnuts, Nanzhi felt that his fingernails were a little painful, so he took a knife beside him and opened the chestnut shell first, which made peeling much easier.

    In the evening, Zheng Ping stewed the chestnut rabbit soup that Zheng Ping was thinking about. Put a little salt, monosodium glutamate, dried chili, dried peppercorns and orange peel in it, and then pour some white wine to remove the fishy smell. on.

    After getting busy, Nanzhi felt a little hot. After stewing the rabbit soup, he had nothing to do, and suddenly felt a little cold.

    Thinking of the long months of winter, Nanzhi began to think about setting up a stove in the cave that could be used to burn fire.

    There are only two bedrooms, a living room, a cliff platform used as a vegetable field, and a tunnel connecting these places in the cave. The tunnel is not very wide, and there are many tools in it. The tunnel reaches the corner of the cliff There is a lot of space, so Nanzhi vacated a kitchen, and she had to find another place to use as a stove, which made her a little bit difficult.

    After thinking about it, the most suitable place is still in the living room, but there is no vent here, and the whole hole will definitely be smoky when the fire is lit.

    When Lu Xingyun and Zheng Ping came back carrying a whole log, she didn't know what to do, but the scent of the rabbit in the pot had already wafted out along the white mist.

    "It smells so good." Zheng Ping hurriedly went to the kitchen to watch dinner tonight, and the hand that touched the lid of the pot was scalded back immediately.

    "Be careful, it's very hot." The soup in the pot was boiling hot. If it was spilled, not to mention whether it was a waste of food, his hands would be scalded.

    Lu Xingyun also said, "Your previous stability was a lie, why are you so frizzy?"

    Zheng Ping walked to the entrance of the cave and touched the snow with his hands before the temperature in his hands returned to normal. Are you a little hungry, I’m a little excited to smell the rabbit soup when I come back..." "

    The rabbit soup will be cooked for a while, you come here first, we will saw these trees." The tree they brought back only saw the roots, it was too long It is inconvenient to store, and it is also inconvenient to chop firewood.     There is a diesel chainsaw at home. One of them fixes the tree, and the other measures the length and saws the wood. After a while, the tree that was brought back was sawed and stacked neatly next to it.     Because this rabbit is not too small, Nanzhi cooked a lot of rice. The three of them didn’t finish eating at night. Nanzhi covered the lid and sealed it well. The temperature is very low and it will not spoil. I plan to heat it up at noon tomorrow and eat it. pause.     Early the next morning, the speakers repaired in the mountains a few days ago by the army started broadcasting.     "Hey... Hey, citizens of Twinings, the weather has started to cool down recently. Please keep warm, please keep warm. Due to the special situation and the shortage of medical resources, there may not be medical treatment after getting sick..." After exchanging pleasantries, the broadcast     said Let's get down to business.     "Because the flood has not subsided, most of the residents in Twining City have been relocated to the back mountain. Only the residents in Twining Park have not been moved due to the higher terrain." "The     main functional areas of Twining City have all been moved to the Twining Park area , due to the drop in temperature, in order to ensure the living conditions of the residents of Twinings, it is now necessary to rush to repair the heating pipes in Twinings Park and surrounding areas, requiring several staff members. For details, please go to the government station at the foot of the mountain or the Twinings Park government Consultation in the office area.”     The radio was installed on the side of the road about 100 meters away from Nanzhi Cave, and they had to open the door to hear what was said on the radio. The broadcast repeated three times before stopping.

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