Chapter 18

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


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Chapter 18

    The entire sky was gloomy and gloomy, with a few wisps of cloud drifting across the sky, and the dust after the earthquake filled the air. Even without the sun, the temperature is still unbearably hot.

    Nanzhi ate the bagged bread brought back by Lu Xingyun and just distributed in a nearby shop.

    At this time, the people were very united. After experiencing such a cruel earthquake, the shopkeeper didn't think about collecting money, but thought about helping a little bit.

    Suddenly, a piercing siren sounded over the entire city, followed by a broadcast that resounded throughout Twinings, "Attention citizens, attention citizens, please evacuate to a safe place as soon as possible, and beware of aftershocks. Repeat again , please evacuate to a safe area as soon as possible and beware of aftershocks. I am Zhao Bo, the mayor of Twinings, and the government will arrange rescue as soon as possible. Don’t panic, our people are with you..." The alarm

    continued For a few minutes, the sanity of the people who were about to collapse was brought back a little, at least some people had the strength to stand up.

    After eating the bread, I drank most of the bottle of water. Lu Xingyun asked Nan Zhi to sit under the tree to rest, "What about you?" Nan Zhi asked reflexively.

    Lu Xingyun looked at the crying man in the pile of rubble, frowned and did not relax, and replied, "I will save people."

    Most of the buildings in this community are still intact, only a few collapse down. Therefore, the survival rate in the community is very high. Some stared at the nearby ruins in a daze, some hugged their family members and cried and told something, and more people rescued people from the collapsed ruins.

    No matter how many people there are, only tens of kilograms of flesh and blood cannot move a thousand kilograms of reinforced concrete.

    But no one gave up, everyone was working together, even if the hands were worn out and the body was bruised, one could be saved.

    Nanzhi squeezed the mineral water bottle tightly in his hand, and replied, "I'll go too."

    Lu Xingyun didn't object, but seriously instructed, "Don't go to dangerous places, run if you feel danger, there are people in the rubble pile. Glass shards, be careful, forget it, I'll find you a pair of gloves. Don't stay too far away from me..."

    Passing through the crowd, he grabbed a man who was walking fast, "Where are you going? Aren't you going there to save people?" Nan Zhi was referring to the collapsed buildings in the community.

    "There are enough people there. I heard that a lot of children are buried in the cram school next to it. Let's help." Hearing

    this, Lu Xingyun and Nan Zhi immediately adjusted their destination and followed these people to the cram school next to the community.

    Due to the weather, most of human production and living activities are arranged at night. The earthquake occurred at 5 o'clock in the morning. Logically speaking, the children who were temporarily suspended from school should have been resting at home. However, in order to let their children "win at the starting line", parents study hard day after day, so that they are also studying hard during their rest time, so when the earthquake happened, the tutoring school was a busy time

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