Chapter 60

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


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Chapter 60

    Their trip was also a request for help, and it was impossible to go empty-handed, so they brought a few eggs and duck eggs as gifts.

    The three of them were regular visitors to the barracks, and they found the battalion commander's office familiarly.

    "Rare customers, why are you here?" The battalion commander has been too busy these two days. There are requirements from above. Each company has fixed land measurement indicators. He has to check and check the blueprints handed in every day for several days. I couldn't even eat on time.

    "Let's support the army." Zheng Ping handed the eggs to the battalion commander.

    The battalion commander opened the bag a little and took a look. There were about a dozen eggs and duck eggs, and his brows and eyes relaxed a lot. He wasn't the kind of fake polite person either, knowing that the three of them had a good life, he kept the eggs away.

    Eggs at this time were precious items with high nutritional value. Although they had dozens of chickens and ducks traded by Nanzhi and the others, the eggs they laid were still far from enough to satisfy the tens of thousands of mouths in the army. Even he can only save one or two in a month and take them home to replenish his son's health.

    "Thank you, I'll accept it with the cheek." These eggs are enough for the monkeys under his hands to give a tooth sacrifice.

    Then quickly turned around and found a stool for them to sit on.

    Zheng Ping said, "The battalion commander has been working hard these two days. We heard that spring plowing will be in two days, so we came to ask the battalion commander for information." "Serving the people is

    hard work. Spring plowing is imperative. , There is not much food in the city, and it won't last long, so you have to grow food quickly while there are no moths at this time. You are also capable, and you usually store more food to avoid any accidents in the future." He

    also Seeing that they are not bad people and have given the government a lot of benefits, I will tell them. And these three people are not stupid, they can also think of it later, he said that this place is worthy of their eggs.

    Zheng Ping and Lu Xingyun looked serious. They originally only wanted to find a nearby land, but they didn't expect such news.

    If there is really not enough food in the city, there will be a big mess. Although life was tough a while ago, and we didn’t have enough to eat or wear warm clothes, we still couldn’t die of starvation if we worked harder. The worst thing was the government’s backing.

    Lu Xingyun thought for a while and said, "Actually, we came here for another purpose."

    Knowing such news, but the main purpose of their visit should not be forgotten.

    "Huh? What's the matter?" I thought they came to inquire about the food after hearing something, but I didn't expect that there was something else, so I made a mistake.

    "I heard that you are not surveying the land? I just want to ask about the follow-up land policy, whether it is collective planting or family-based, and what is the basis for this land division?" Lu Xingyun asked carefully.

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