Chapter 94

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


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Chapter 94

    When the tail of November arrives, the water below the mountain has submerged four or five steps of the stone steps up the mountain on the mountain road, and the rain finally slows down.

    The next day, when the clouds were over and the rain was coming, the tiny pieces of sunlight that escaped from the dark clouds jumped onto the sea surface, and shattered into dots of golden light that sprinkled on the water surface.

    The mushrooms that had been drying in the cave for several weeks were finally air-dried. Zheng Ping supported the tool ladder, while Lu Xingyun stood on it and picked up strings of mushrooms one by one, while Nanzhi put the mushrooms in vacuum bags to dry them up The air is packed.

    The harvest of mushrooms this year is not bad. After they were dried, I weighed them with Nanzhi's rechargeable scale. They weighed 53 catties, which would last them a long time.

    After more than a month, the broken gold sun finally slowly parted the clouds and came out to meet people. A little bit of sunlight penetrated through the gaps in the branches and shone into the mountains, making Nanzhi's figure squatting at the entrance of the cave picking pumpkins somewhat mottled.

    The pumpkin Nanzhi planted casually in the yard more than a month ago has already grown pumpkin vines, but the vines have been bare. Two days ago, Nanzhi found a small tender pumpkin in the thorn bushes on the fence. Lying quietly among the thorns.

    Now that he found it, he couldn't let it go so easily. Today, Nan Zhi picked up this tender pumpkin and prepared to fry it to eat.

    Because the pumpkin is very tender, just wash it directly without peeling. When Nanzhi was cleaning the pumpkin, he accidentally knocked on the stone, the skin was cut, and the juice inside the pumpkin came out. Nanzhi wiped it with his hands carelessly.

    In the afternoon, Aunt Wei knocked on the door of Nanzhi's house.

    "Auntie? Why are you here?"

    Aunt Wei smiled, "Nanzhi, Auntie saw a small pumpkin hanging outside the fence outside your house. Did you plant it? Take the pumpkin home quickly. People come and go, if others see this, your pumpkin will be gone in a blink of an eye.” At

    this time, as long as it is edible, it is very precious, and anyone who sees it wants to take it home.

    Nan Zhi was a little surprised. She looked around so carefully, thinking that she had just found a pumpkin, but why did she miss one? The pumpkin fried at noon today was still not enough to eat.

    "Okay, I'll pick it up right away."

    As a person who hasn't eaten fresh vegetables for more than half a year and only buys dehydrated vegetables restricted by the government, Aunt Wei is really greedy for this tender green pumpkin.

    Aunt Wei said with some embarrassment, "Auntie also wants to ask you one more thing. If Nanzhi saves your pumpkin seeds this year, can you share it with Auntie? Auntie has some fish at home, and I can exchange seeds with you." Nanzhi smiled and said, "No need to change, just a few pumpkin seeds, don't wait for this year's pumpkin seeds, I still have seeds left at home, I     'll

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