Chapter 105

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


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Chapter 105

    "Is there any more?" The vegetable basket in Nanzhi's hand is already half full, and there are not only abalones in it, but also one or two pieces of kelp brought by the dog, which Nanzhi also took down and put in. basket.

    These abalones are so plump and tender that Nanzhi can't hold them in the palm of his hand. One after another, the abalones were picked up from the shallow sea by two dogs, and there was a crisp sound when they were thrown into the basket. After a while, the not-so-small basket could no longer hold it.

    The two dogs finally came up from the sea, barking twice.

    Nanzhi understood that this meant that there was nothing below, and rubbed their wet heads happily, "It's amazing, Dabao and Erbao made a great contribution today, mom will cook delicious food for you when I come home! Do you want to eat braised braised rice?" Meat?"

    "Wow, woof, woof!"

    Nanzhi received a series of enthusiastic responses.

    When she returned home, Zheng Ping and Lu Xingyun had already brought back the whole tree, all the branches were neatly tied up and carried back, and now they are stacked upright against the cave. , There are bloodstains pressed out by the wood on the shoulders.

    "Where did you go?" Lu Xingyun was wiping his face with a towel.

    "I'll cook something delicious for you today!" Nanzhi couldn't hide the excitement in his voice.

    "What's delicious?" Zheng Ping turned around and saw something dark in Nanzhi's basket, and one or two wet green leaves drooping from the basket.

    "What is this?" A little disgusted.

    "Abalone! Dabao and Erbao have been touching in the water all morning. Look, there is a whole basket! Let's make garlic abalone for lunch today." Nanzhi picked up an abalone and showed them the soft side of the abalone.

    "It's really abalone?" Zheng Ping was surprised. He hadn't eaten it for a long time, and he couldn't see the black mud stains on it.

    "It's still useful to keep you guys." As he spoke, Zheng Ping took out a towel for big dogs (made of old clothes that the three of them didn't wear), and wiped off most of the water stains on the two dogs.

    "What are you guys doing up there this morning?" Lu Xingyun asked casually after he followed his wife to the platform to handle the abalones.

    Then Nanzhi remembered what he had seen in the morning, and told Lu Xingyun with righteous indignation, "Nana's scumbag father and the surnamed Cui are both fighting, and they only think about themselves. If I were Nana, I would not give him the one on the left." Right uppercut, beat that scum to death, and finally close the door and enlarge the second treasure, kill him and throw it in the river to feed the fish!"

    Lu Xingyun squeezed the soft belly of the abalone, tsk, it's not as easy to touch as a wife's face. He said casually, "My wife is so fierce."

    "How dare you despise me as fierce?" He held his breath and stared.

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