Chapter 11

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Natural Disaster Survival Daily


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Chapter 11

    "Don't be so polite, aren't we friends? You've helped me so much and I haven't said anything yet."

    Nan Zhi felt a little uncomfortable when he saw his ears turn red, and walked to the living room as if hiding.

    "You can have lunch at my house at noon today."

    Because of the rise of purchasing agents recently, people from all households in the community can buy what they want on their behalf, so recently you can often hear cooking, hot oil being fried in a pan sound. She also doesn't worry about attracting attention when she cooks outside.

    When Lu Xingyun was going home in the afternoon, Nanzhi found a bag of quick-frozen dumplings in the refrigerator. She didn't pay attention to these dumplings when she bought them. She didn't expect that they were about to expire this morning. If she couldn't finish them, she had to find foreign help.     "You can take this dumpling home and cook it. I bought too much and I can't finish it. It will expire in more than ten days. If you don't eat it, it will be wasted." Nanzhi continued, "You can also put a few slices of cabbage when cooking. The leaves are also quite delicious."     "Yeah." Lu Xingyun nodded, and hurried home, if you don't hurry up, the ice on the dumplings will almost melt.     It's already September 10th, when Nanzhi was playing with his mobile phone in the afternoon, he found that the SA virus was out of control, people died every day, and some people still fell ill with this disease in isolation at home every day.     She also heard a desperate roar at night, accompanied by yelling, which made her sleep badly, depressed, fell asleep and woke up in the second half of the night, woke up and continued to sleep, always thinking about these things, no rest well.     That day, Nanzhi saw a video in the homeowners’ group. Volunteers came to ask the homeowners to take their temperature and were rejected. The two had an argument, and then they started fighting. The homeowner had a lot of family members, so the volunteers were pushed to the ground and beaten.     The bloodshot eyes of the beating man, and the ferocious expression of wanting to kill him made Nanzhi's heart tremble, and he held Dabao and Erbao in his arms before relaxing his body and his heartbeat slowly calmed down.     After several months of growth, Dabao Erbao has grown from a silly and cute baby to a majestic space bully.

    The bigger these two little things are, the more they like the snow-capped mountains in the space. They have to run and play on them from time to time, making Nan Zhi unable to find them, but when she calls them, they will respond, giving Nan Zhi a full sense of security.

    Since they grew up, Nanzhi no longer fed them dog food, but put the rabbits in the cage on the grassland to let them grow, and let the two little ones hunt rabbits to eat by themselves.     It has been nearly two months, and things have not turned around, but they have intensified. Everyone feels the depression of life, and there is no channel to vent, just like a pile of dry firewood next to the fire. It's like when a spark hits firewood, it explodes.     There have been several such vicious fights in their community alone. Once online, more. Both parties have their own reasons, and everyone has their own inconveniences.     The research on the SA virus has not made any progress. If people are not released, the conflict will escalate, and the economy will also fail.     Even being locked at home did not stop the spread of the SA virus, and it was simply released, but a small number of serious areas are still under lockdown.     Once the ban was lifted, Lu Xingyun was too busy to touch the ground for a while. He always feels that the current weather and virus are not right. It is regional and does not make him so vigilant, but these things are global. In addition, he also searched for "intensified volcanic activity detected in Sakura Country" and "Typhoon Bangzi Country" "Beautiful Country Fire".     He watched the news, and the sense of crisis in his heart became more and more serious.     In the end, he thought of Nan Zhi's words to persuade him many times, "quit his job". She has never deceived herself, thinking of the things she bought for herself, after going through the period of confinement, she finally made her own decision.     If you lose your money, you can find it again, but if you lose your life, you really have nothing.     Nan Zhi put on a mask and went to the supermarket to restock. She and Lu Xingyun had already eaten a lot of things in her freezer, so she was going to buy more today.     She also remembered that there was still no coal to buy, and that the low temperature of tens of degrees below zero could not survive the winter without coal.

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