Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

    Speaking of this, Cui Feng really had to thank his son for doing a good job in this matter, so he stopped scolding Liu Yaling and went home suppressing his anger.

    Seeing that she was about to get home, Liu Yaling didn't want her son and daughter to hear Cui Feng's bad things, so she took a deep breath and stopped scolding Cui Feng.

    The arrival of these two men frightened Nan Zhi, who did not expect Cui Feng's family to live here too.

    In her previous life, Nanzhi never came here, but was at the aid point in the University City, so she never met the two of them, never thought that such an event would happen again.

    Originally, he wanted to help out at the rescue point, but now Nanzhi hurried back home as if there was a ghost chasing after him.

    She was either afraid of this family, or had a premonition that she would be in trouble if she met them. Thinking about Cui Feng's shameless virtue, maybe he would let him return the house.

    Nanzhi decides to be more vigilant every time she goes out, she doesn't want to run into this unlucky family.

    At around three o'clock in the morning, Lu Xingyun and Zheng Ping came back carrying an air conditioner and the outer unit of the air conditioner.

    "Are you back?" Nanzhi held a small hoe in his hand, which was still stained with dirt.

    "We found three pots, is that enough?" Lu Xingyun asked Nan Zhi.

    She nodded, "Enough."

    As soon as the pot was taken over, there was a commotion downstairs. Nan Zhi opened the window, and the three of them listened with their heads up. It seems that two groups of people in the community have clashed.

    Nan Zhi listened carefully, it seemed that when someone was queuing up to collect supplies, someone jumped in line, and the people behind just got on because they didn't like it.

    "The old man is sitting on the ground." Zheng Ping found a bag of salt-baked melon seeds at some point and knocked on it. There is also a piece of toilet paper on the window sill and melon seed shells.

    Nanzhi and Lu Xingyun took out a lot, and then started knocking.

    "At this time, the police station is gone, are you afraid that he will sit on the ground?" Nan Zhi knew that at this time, it is not the weak who is right, but the strong who is right.

    The man next to the old man looked like a big and three-faced man, and he was not someone to be messed with.

    The old man scolded him as long as he lay on the ground, and not only was no one paying attention to him, someone kicked him to get him up when he got tired of hearing it.

    This led to the outbreak of conflicts. In the end, the government staff who distributed the relief supplies came over and pulled people away.

    This seemed to be a starting signal, and then waves of conflicts began to erupt. People who quarrel or fight can be seen in disaster relief sites or communities every two or three days.

    The most serious time, Nanzhi even saw the two people fighting were carried out of the community to the community hospital.

    "The weather is so hot. Are they sick? Are they still fighting? Isn't it uncomfortable to sit at home with the air conditioner on?" Zheng Ping was eating a popsicle, his back still sweating.

    "It's just that the weather is too hot, which makes people angry." Lu Xingyun approached the air conditioner.

    Zheng Ping took another mouthful of the popsicle, "Brother Lu, you're blocking me from blowing the air conditioner."

    Lu Xingyun took a small step to the side.

    "If the higher-ups don't care about it, something will happen if it goes on like this." Lu Xingyun said casually.

    Nan Zhi knew, however, that what Lu Xingyun said was right, they couldn't bear the heat at home, there were so many people crowded together in the disaster relief site, there was no privacy between each other, and the food was not very good, so it was strange that there was no chaos.

    In the precognitive dream, she heard at the disaster relief point in the university city that the rape had happened in the disaster relief point of the Twining City Zoo. At that time, the bloody scene of those people fighting flashed through the dream.     A group of people killed all the staff sent by the government there, and robbed them of the food they had hoarded there for distribution to ordinary victims. In the end, the government had to send people to relocate all the victims of the zoo and Central Park to Wenzhou. Innovation District, University City, and Twinings Park.     Just like what Nan Zhi experienced in his previous life, a few days later, a riot broke out at the disaster relief site of the Chuanning City Zoo. A group of people shot and killed many people and took away all the food that the government had stockpiled there.

    The situation was much more serious than Nanzhi guessed. That group was originally a group of pyramid schemes, and they have been huddled near the Twining City Zoo, renting a very cheap house in the suburbs. Another group from the nearby prison.

    In this way, the two groups met at the rescue point of the zoo, and they began to work together. Both parties began to collect supplies for disaster relief honestly. After a few days, the two groups discovered the problem one after another. This social order seems to be a little chaotic after the earthquake.     The group engaged in pyramid schemes also persuaded many people with ulterior motives to join them in the disaster relief site, and finally turned into a considerable force. After they created a few chaos in the rescue point of the zoo and tried a few times, they became more courageous and simply started killing people and grabbing food.     Because the base camp of the army and the government is near the university town, the Twinings Zoo and Central Park sent a few people to preside over the situation, and the suppression was not timely, which led to the current situation.     The government was worried that this riot would be used by other people with ulterior motives, and immediately sent people to take all the people from the zoo and Central Park to Twining Park and University District in the north of Twining City.     Because the results of this riot were too tragic, the higher-ups attached great importance to it, and it took only two days to complete the relocation.     After almost everyone gathered in the northern part of Twinings City, the government sent heavy troops to guard the remaining University Town, Twinings Park and the Cultural and Creative District.     There are a lot more people, and many people have nothing to do every day, and the weather is too hot and irritable, basically there are bloodshed incidents every day.     The government started the plan to rebuild Twining City to consume the excess energy of the victims.     The author has something to say:

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