Into the Fateverse, Apocrypha World

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Poseidon Pov

I opened my eyes to see a White Haired Person, he had tanned skin and golden eyes, the man in front of me was none other than one who wanted the salvation of Humanity, he came forward and said," Lancer of Red, Nice to meet you, I am Shirou Kotomine who would be temporarily taking charge of in place of your Master".

I looked around to see two more servants, they were no other than Atalanta and Achilles, I glanced at them and then turned my eyes back to Shirou Kotomine and asked," Let me ask you, What makes him worthy of being my contractor?", he becomes surprised and stops for a bit before asking me a question of his won," Contractor?".

"I refuse to call anyone my Master just because they summoned me and the fact he isn't even present here speaks volumes about him", I replied.

 I have already thought of three scenarios which include a beneficial relationship with the person who has summoned me, firstly if the person is stronger than me in power or has an extremely charismatic character with ideal goals I will acknowledge him/her as my Master temporarily.

In the second scenario, I will establish an equal relationship with my summoner, and in the third scenario I will be taking charge, and I have an extra plan as well in which I simply don't acknowledge anyone as my master, partner, or underling and become a loner.

 "Sorry for that Lancer, but apparently, for some reason, your master isn't present here, it isn't just you but Archer's and Rider's masters aren't present as well", he said.

"Yup, you see Lancer our Masters aren't present here as well", Said Achilles, then Atalanta said," Like this fleet-footed boy said our Masters weren't present when we were summoned as well, only this extremely suspicious white-haired guy was present saying same words he said to you just now".

Shirou coughed and said," I didn't know I was suspicious Archer, but well anyway Lancer can you tell me your true name? To be honest you don't fit the image of the servant your Master was hoping to summon", I looked at him and simply said," If you are thinking that I am Karna then sorry to burst your bubble, but I am not him".

"Is that so?", he asked and then pondered for a bit and asked me," Then are you Arjun?", I shook my head," Anyone of the other four Pandavas?", I again shook my head," Interesting, then you must be Karna's friend! What was his name again? Durya-Duryoajana-eh? Durryaya- yes Duryaojana!", I rolled my eyes said," Duryodhana, It's Duryodhana", he smiled hearing that and excitedly said," Right! You are Duryodhana then!".

I simply said in my monotonous voice," Nope", he became depressed while Achilles started laughing," Haha, the first battle I see was the battle of words, anyway Lancer just tell us who you are, by the way, I am the famous Greek Hero Achilles and she is Atalanta!", he said.

Atlanta glanced at him angrily and said," You idiot! Even if you wanted to reveal who you are! Why have you to reveal my identity as well?".

Achilles laughed nervously and said," Sorry Missy! But our Masters and this Shirou guy should have known our identity already", Atalanta just snorted at him while I looked at them as if looking at idiots, Shirou clapped his hands and said," It seems you both already know each other, wonderful! Teamwork will be quite important for the battle against Servants of Black, now Lancer if you don't want to tell me your true identity then fine, I will respect that but I have a job for you".

He turned to me and asked me," Before that What is the name of the person who summoned me?", he replied," His name is Freed Vor Sembren", I smirked and said," Thank you", he froze seeing my expression knowing something is wrong but not giving him any chance I silently chanted Camouflage making me blend in my surrounding.

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