The King of Storms

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Poseidon Pov

"I have to leave", I said looking at Jalter, she looked at me with expectations in her eyes and asked," Then can I come with you my Lord to serve you?", I shook my head disappointing her again, and said," This time I am going for even shorter duration of time and only in the search of a new subordinate."

She frowned and asked me," A new subordinate?", I replied in affirmation," Yes, a particular servant has caught my eyes like you had caught mine before.", hearing that she asked me curiously," Who it is Lord?", I replied," You might know about her, she is King Arthur and the particular version I am after is called King of the Storms".

" It's her? Wait a minute her?!", she asked me baffled, I chuckled and said," Yes, you have got it right that version of King Arthur is a female", her eyes widened and she looked at me with a sad look," I see", she said, I came near her and flicked my finger on her forehead with some force," Ouch", she said grabbing her forehead in the middle of which a red spot had formed.

" What are you thinking Jalter?", I questioned her, she gulped her saliva and said," I... I am just nervous that after My Lord gets a new servant he will give me less importance", then she looked away in shame for even saying those words, a weird contrast if I must say, I placed my hand on her soft cheek, she looked into my eyes and I said," Don't ever think like that again, you are more important to me than her".

Her expression became lively and she replied cheerfully," Yes", she is a person with feelings and despite not creating problems for me at any time and putting my feelings above hers, I will need to take her feelings and emotions into consideration as well, not to mention as I am the person who is by now almost everything to her such a worry was expected of her, then I looked at the mission I had taken which was perfect for both my subordinate hunting and future harem wish.

[You have taken the quest ' The Lord '.

Completion Condition: Get five powerful subordinates.


Completion Rate: 20%

Bonus Quest: Make all five subordinates extremely loyal and devoted to you.


Completion Rate:20%

Bonus Quest: All Five subordinates are your harem members.


Completion Rate: 20%

Bonus Quest: All five subordinates consider you as their only true God from their very being.


Completion Rate: 20%

Note: A Familiar, pet or a living weapon won't be considered a subordinate]

It was a readymade quest for someone with my goals and ideals, Fateverse is full of waifus and there are tons of powerful ones, I am after the ones who don't have a moral barrier as they are most annoying to deal with. Despite knowing that something is detrimental to us they will put their nose in them if it means saving others without expecting anything in return.

Thus, neutral and evil-aligned servants are more suited to be my harem members, and thus I am after the version of King Arthur who is known to be the tyrannical King. Her lancer version escaped the fate of becoming an emotionless Divine Spirit. I looked at Jalter and said," Take care of me", She nodded happily and guided me to her lap, She hugged my head into her chest and said," Have a nice trip, Dear".

I smiled and decided to descend leaving my body and the Divine Throne and descended into the Fourth Singularity.


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