The War for the France- Prologue

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3rd Pov

The days passed slowly, Ritsuka's team started preparing for the war, meanwhile, Jalter's servants continued with their rampage which cost the lives of hundreds of people, yes only hundreds as Ritsuka's team managed to save a lot of the people, helping them to escape to safety.

It angered Jalter to no end but it also made her excited for the final fight, on how she will crush them entirely, see their beautiful faces of despair before finishing them all, and then continue with destroying France. Jeanne and Georgios finished healing up Siegfried, the Dragon slayer who made a contract with the Ritsuka Fujimaru, this time considering the situation Dr. Romani let Ritsuka make a fifth contract, and while his body has adapted quite a bit after all of these days the strain on his body remained.

Making another contract came at the cost of Ritsuka feeling constant pain and stress in his body, but gritting his teeth for the future of Humanity he bore this intense pain earning the respect of all of the servants present, Elizabeth including who didn't like him even a bit, but after seeing his conviction even she was impressed.

So while, Ritsuka's gang trained and prepared for the battle, on the other hand, Jalter enjoyed lavishing feasts bestowed by the God of the Gods himself, her servants half of which disliked her got to enjoy the same treatment as well. Just like this three weeks passed and Ritsuka's team was all ready for the finale.

" It is going to be a nightmare to win this", said Ritsuka looking at the Castle in front of him," We will win this senpai!", said Mash as she came beside him, Siegfried smiled and putting his hand on his shoulder said," You can count on me to slay that Dragon", Jeanne smiled and answered," Me too!".

" Now can we stop talking and get over with this already", said Elizabeth grumbling, Kiyohime waved her Japanese fan with a smirk on her face," Watch me properly frill-necked Lizard, I will show you how a real dragon does its job", veins appeared on her forehead hearing that, she glared at the latter and said," Are you picking up a fight?!".

Kiyohime grinned and spoke nothing, it only fueled her anger against Elizabeth," Answer me!!", suddenly Marie came between them, she looked at both of them," Stop it you two! It is not the time to fight between us, doing so will only weaken us let's focus on our objective", they grunted and nodded," Fine", they replied simultaneously.

"It's time to show them the true powers of lovers", Marie said with a serious face, Wolfgang behind her smiled hearing that and nodded," Guys! You have got this!", said Leonardo from the comms, Romani sitting beside her had a depressed face," It's over, all over", he muttered. Leonardo gave him a jab knocking him from his table," Why did you do this?!", he shouted in annoyance and pain, she sighed and gave him a hand," Stop with this and do your job as Commander!", she said.

He sighed hearing her words, he took her hand and got back on the table, standing up he said," Very Well, Ritsuka! Mash! Listen to me carefully! If you think it is too much for you then retreat without any hesitation, also we are ready to rayshift if the situation arises!", Ritsuka shook his head and said," Dr. I don't think this is a war from which we can retreat".

He sighed in helplessness hearing that, his visions from all of these years never showed Poseidon, and neither did now, so he had a really bad feeling about him. He smiled and said," Fine, go ahead I will do my best to assist you all from here", they nodded and Ritsuka said," Let's begin now!".

Thus all of them ran toward the castle, meanwhile from the inside Jalter laughed maniacally, she stood beside Poseidon who was seated on his Throne looking at the Ritsuka's team on a Holographic screen in front of him, "Pftt... Hahahah... Di- Did you hear them, My Lord? I want to vomit after hearing their passionate and useless words, seriously what with those looks on their faces?! They think they will win this!! Pathetic weaklings! I will show them the consequences of going against me!!".

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