Can you give me some time?

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Poseidon Pov

I ate an apple as I glanced at the portal in front of me, the appearance of a dark, barren dead land blooming with spirits and undead kind was clearly visible in my eyes. I glanced at the Purple haired woman who looked at the other side with a relieved smile, I asked her amused," You still care about such a desolate place?".

She glanced at me with a small pout and replied," Well, indeed. As barren as it may be, it had been my home for more than two thousand years, I didn't have the luxury to live in a castle-like you ", a slight hint of jealousy was visible in her voice, I chuckled and patted her head, causing a slight blush to adorn her face.

" So cute", I muttered, my voice clearly heard by her, she smiled and replied," I don't remember ever being called cute... Well, people most loved to call me a savage god slayer, the last praises I remember were from the time when I was a Queen, still no one dared to call me cute", I smiled and said," Well, I doubt they had even a shred of bravery to call you that".

I approached and hugged her lightly, her blush deepened slightly, and then glancing at me said," Poseidon, is it okay if I call you that?", I nodded and replied," It's fine, you can call me by my name or use dear, or hubby, though my other two wives still refer me by ' My Lord ' ", after hearing my words carefully she said, " Their love and devotion is really something else, I won't lie even I feel a bit scared of that love they hold for you in their heart, it's so pure, primal and dark".

" You will be the same as them with due time, Scathach", I said as my grip over her waist become tighter, she said," Perhaps, but that's for the future and I want to talk with you about something else... To be honest, I did accept your proposal, as you clearly suited my every need, everything that I could hope of my lover- no you are better than that, I feel a bit overwhelmed, afraid that I might not be up to your expectations-", I stopped her by putting my finger on her lip.

Then looking at her with narrowed eyes," I can listen to your words as long as you want me to, but I know there is something important you want to say, so I would like you to tell me about it first", she nodded and said," Well, I- I am really new to this love thing. My current feelings are a bit of love and mostly admiration and infatuation for you. I want it to take it a bit slow, get stronger and then challenge you".

I asked her," Challenge me?", she nodded and said," As a warrior, nothing would be more honorable for me to become your wife and vassal after losing to you in a fight, but as things are now, I am no match for you and it will clearly hit my pride to lose miserably to you, and not satisfy you in a fight. That's why, can you give me some time?", her eyes looked at me with expectation, she didn't know how cute she looked in her current situation.

I patted her head, releasing my grip over her waist, we separated slowly as she lowered her head shyly, a clear indication of the growth of feelings she held for me. I said," I have lived more than 13 Billion years, do you think a few months or even a few years would matter to me? I would use this time to get closer to you, slowly creep into your heart till you can think of nothing but me, in the end, I will dominate in you both the fight and in the bed, and you will never escape from my clutches, Scathach".

Her body shivered to hear that as a smile came on her lips," That's kind of exciting to hear, hehe, then wait for it for my love, I will give you the best fight you can ever hope for and in the end, my target won't be just becoming your lover, but to defeat you", she said with determination oozing out of her, I patted her head and said," Nothing less I expect from you Scathach".

Then I glanced at my left finding Godzilla looking at us with focus, he trembled seeing me looking at him. I almost felt stupid, thinking how he can act so dumbly, I knew of his presence from the moment he started watching us with various invisible spells on him, then I glanced at the two women who had flushed faces, which turned into embarrassment, Scathach looked at them amused.

FATE: THE NEW POSEIDON Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now