A war that has been won

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Poseidon Pov

How my Divinity has been sealed off, a question that made me disturbed. Divinities are way above something that could be within mortal bounds, a True Miracle might be able to bind weakly to medium ones, and considering my current Divinity is considerably weaker than my true form, it is possible for them to seal it, as for how did they seal with Command Spells which only is near the level of True Miracle but not at the level of a True Miracle?

Simple, that Medb bitch must have used the Holy Grail to make them stronger and rise their rank to the level of a True Miracle aka True Magic. But in the end, her servants had been crushed and her only hope Arjuna had died through my hands, I can already imagine the look on her face worthy to be called an angry, despaired look.

Jalter sat by my side, she was hugging my hand while on guard ready to defend from any surprise attack, we had already telepathically communicated with others and told them of our circumstances. The war was almost over with us winning, it was already an established fact, as not after long other servants came around us.

" Damn, this area had been clearly demolished to such a level", said Billy the Kid with an excited look as he glanced at the area around us, the Avatar of the God too commented as he glanced at me," Truly worthy of being a top Deva", some admiration could be seen on his face, and it wasn't limited to him only, others shared a similar look, though some showed hints of fear in their pearl-like eyes as well.

Meanwhile, Artoria had taken my second arm within the grasp of her bountiful chest not letting it go. It would seem their love and affection for me was everflowing as ever not minding to do intimate gestures under the eyes of the others. The Queen of the Land of the Shadows approached me with a smile curled on her lips, she said," You truly are a warrior that I cannot fathom even with my Wisdom".

I stood up with my two Yandere subordinates standing up as well having no plan of breaking the intimate hug between us. I felt my Divinity returning making me sigh in relief, even in a sealed state I wasn't reduced to a semi-Divine spirit rather only my Divine Authorities became unusable or to be more precise I couldn't Channel my Divinity, which clearly showed how strong a Complete Divinity truly is.

I looked at the scarlet-haired woman in front of me with unhidden desire, the desire to get her and make her mine forever, she smiled seeing that she was the type to like straightforward action on the premise the person had the strength to back up those actions. I asked her," What about my proposal?".

She glanced at my muscles with a flirty smile," You are still on that, well, I accept, though you need to make sure to kill me a lot of times", she said, her words were definitely insane, but at the end that's just how Heroic Spirits are, each of them is unique or broken in their own way and Scathach, the Queen of the Land of the Shadows was no exception, she was a broken woman craving for death.

I can literally see Jalter and Artoria look at her with cold hostile gazes, I said," Let my hand go", and they reluctantly let the hold of my hand go on hearing my blunt words, I knew it was just their obsession with me, which didn't want any other woman to get a piece of me. It was justified, and their actions were fully justified, but in the end, it was useless, I was meant to have a harem of my choosing, and that was something I wasn't gonna let go of.

If they disagreed strongly, I will make them accept it, after all, it is love and obsession, and such deadly plays were a part of it. Now enough of my self-monologue with my views of this harem part, it was time to win this already won war, to kill the last one remaining of the enemy forces.

" Now that we have caught up a breather we should finish her", I said, getting approving glances from all of them." She still has a bit of the Holy Grail left, I wonder what will she do now? Her servants are all lost and even her plans are foiled", said Scathach with an amused smile on her face. I focused in a particular direction, my eyes like hawks saw the figure of the said woman from miles away who was seething with rage.

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