Bedivere's Apology

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(Author's Note: Happy New Year Guys! And I hope you enjoy the chapter!)


Poseidon Pov

I looked at the Jalter who had appeared before me, her armor was covered in the blood of a God, who was none other than the incarnation of Amun Ra himself. Her clothes were reeked of blood, her face was also covered in blood, it told me about the battle that happened. Jalter had singlehandedly fought against one of the strongest servants in all his glory and defeated him, Although the constant supply of pure mana from me played a part in her victory, it was undeniable that the feat she had achieved was worthy of praise.

Artoria got up from my lap reluctantly and stood beside me like the loyal knight she is, Jalter knelt before me and looked at me with a smile, that would have caused anyone chills on their spine as it looked quite scary with her blood-covered face, but me, it looked cute, as her obsession and love for me leaked out through her smile, that looked quite pleasing to a Yandere lover like me.

" My Lord, I didn't disappoint you this time and I have emerged victorious", she said with pride and anticipation for my recognition of her achievement and praise. Artoria suddenly asked," Where are the refugees?", She became stunned and then glanced at us dumbfounded, It was evident in the midst of the battle she forgot about the people gathered by the Sun King, and they met their ultimate demise becoming collateral damage of the fight.

Her face became pale, and she started trembling with moist eyes, Her face fell down realizing she had failed me. I stood up from the Throne and started chuckling amused, then I said," Stand up", She did as I said, and looked at me with a guilty expression, I suddenly smashed my lips on her lips, and wrapped my hand around her sexy waist.


We shared a passionate kiss, our tongues battled each other for saliva, and we tasted each other's saliva with relish, then after a few minutes we broke our kiss, separating our lips with a thin lining of saliva, her face had a blush as her yellow eyes looked at me with love, I caressed her cheek and then pinched it lightly," You are very cute, my Jalter", I said and her blush deepened.

Then I glanced at Artoria who quickly came towards me, I raised my hands towards her head, and she understood the meaning of it. She leaned her head towards my hand, and I started patting her, She enjoyed the head pat she was receiving, then I hugged her by her waist as well, both of their heads leaned against my chest and they glanced at me with cute expressions.

" You two are very cute...Remember that you two are my woman, and you have to accompany me for eternity so don't care much about small failures okay?", I said, and both of them nodded. I then broke our hug and glanced at the outside sky, finally glancing at Jalter I used cleanse spell on her, and us who had got a bit of blood from her, then I telepathically told every servant,' Come in the Dinner Hall for the dinner, every servant except Astolfo should be present '.

Then I said," Let's go to the dining room", The eyes of Jalter and especially Artoria glistened hearing that. They nodded and then we went to the majestic dining room I had created, Yes, I had created a separate dining room for us to dine lavishly not bothering to create homes for the refugees. Well, this is me selfish Poseidon, not a foolish saint.

After entering the room, I sat on the most majestic chair made up of the rarest materials possible, in Greek style. The chairs beside me were further on the left and right, and Artoria and Jalter sat on the first chair of their row. I quickly created a huge number of food items filling up the empty plates using Magic, and then the alluring smell of the food reached our noses. Artoria had a predatory look seeing the food, and then taking a bite of the chicken from a plate, her eyes shined brightly and she gave me a thumbs up.

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