Cutie of Monsters!

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(Author's Note: Hey Guys! I have a thing to ask, do you feel my writing style is good? I mean, it has been developed over time and is simply wonderful compared to the one I started with my first and second fics. But again, I am wondering if I need to improve it or bring some changes, I mean, getting extremely few views has been discouraging so far, thus wondering if it is because of my writing style.

Please list all the problems of my writing style and advantages at the end!)


Poseidon Pov

I glanced tiredly at the Godzilla who wasn't liking a bit that I left him out of such an important event. It even had a jealous glint in his eyes as he looked at my lover, of his mothers. At least that's what he likes to call them. He then looked at me with a pitiful face as if I had abandoned him in some dumpster like that of a cliche 3rd-rate story.

" Quit with this drama, I will bless you as well", I said, his eyes lit up and he started dancing happily. Gotta admit though, he looked quite cute dancing in his chibi form, not to mention his tail which swayed like a dog's. After having enough load of happiness he came at me like a loyal commando who was ready to go to the battlefield.

" Lord, are you sure about this? I can feel that you are tired", asked Artoria with apparent worry in her eyes. I shrugged and said," No worries, something like this isn't enough to hurt me", then I proceeded with the blessing. Putting my hand on Godzilla's head, I granted him the title of my Apostle and a huge mana amount of mana started leaving from my body, and my Divinity flowed into his.

Suddenly the surroundings started trembling as Godzilla roared madly, my heart started beating rapidly as it pumped and purified the absorbed mana, the rate of absorption was extremely rapid and was straining my heart which already had an almost emptied Mana reserve. A feeling of pain assaulted me, but I calmly took the pain, though it can be said, it was quite suffocating.

' Well, I wonder how much strong my Transcended Mana Heart will get with this ', I thought, feeling my Mana heart slowly adapting to the drain and beating even faster, my mana reserves started increasing at a rapid pace. I looked at Godzilla who seemed to enter some comatose kind of state, I knew what was happening from my Unique Skill Investigator.

The little guy before me was using my Mana subconsciously to grow into an adult and evolve into a being capable of taking human form. The process continued for more than ten minutes, and finally, once it was done, the Zilla under my eyes transformed into a woman, even surprising me.

[Congratulations! A soul corridor between Poseidon and Godzilla!

Godzilla has selected it's gender to be a female! Godzilla has successfully become King of All Monsters!

Godzilla has become a special Apostle under you! She had gained a new ability! Queen of the Seven Seas!

Notice! Godzilla had acquired the Divine Name ' Amara of the Seas '.

Notice! Godzilla has chosen you as her eternal mate]

I almost blurted out the non-existent tea that I was drinking hearing the last message from the system. Then under my eyes, Godzilla completed her transformation turning into an extremely beautiful person, the only noticeable difference between her new form and humans or Gods like me was that she had some majestic horns on her head, which again was weird considering she was a Dragon Killer, not some Dragon.

"Daddy", she said in a cute voice, and leaped on tired me, who had no option but to hug her, and sighing I asked,' System, show me her status '.


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