The God's Wrath, Meggido!

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Poseidon Pov

I watched on the Holographic screen as the battle progressed, at the very beginning she sent all of the Angels after Jeanne and I sighed at her stupidity, if she deployed even half of the Angels against Kiyohime and Elizabeth then she would have decimated them into smithers, but in the end, she chose the worst matchup for them, Jeanne D'Arc.

Jeanne has a natural EX Rank Magic Resistance, although weakened to the level of A+ it is still strong, however, her being a Saintness grants her extreme defenses against Holy beings and she isn't an Evil aligned either for the Angels to do several times damage with their attacks, the final result was clear.

The situation slowly started turning around and Jalter started losing, it wasn't very long till she had lost, I sighed seeing this,' It should give her a valuable lesson ', I thought, and decided to show up since her body might give up anytime, and thus chanting a teleportation spell I teleported beside her, and quickly cast a Healing spell on her, and then I took her body in my arms.

Her pitiful face looked at me with shame, and she tried saying, "Lo-Lord I-", she looked away not saying anyone, I looked at her sternly and said, "Look into my eyes!", her eyes shifted at me obediently and she said, "Lord- Forgive me- I disgraced you", guilt was visible on her eyes.

Shame huh? If it was the previous me I would have killed her for doing so, but the new me considered it nothing but a hurdle, something she has to face and overcome, after all, everyone loses in their life, I am the same and it won't be wrong to say I had lost more pathetically than her.

She lost mainly to Ritsuka's Protagonist Aura, something that caused a miracle like Jeanne being able to deflect that EX Rank attack with an A- Noble phantasm which is nothing but pure rubbish if I must say. It is nearly impossible to defeat an EX Rank Noble Phantasm with A- Rank, if that were the case then what's the use of EX Rank Noble Phantasms in the first place?

Yes, it is not impossible, but only under rare conditions, and taking the attack head-on is not one of them, I quickly stunned the enemy servants, and then I said, "Stop with this! You have lost so what?! Let it be a lesson for you, and learn from it! Losing isn't some crime, and I will not punish you for this", she looked at me baffled.

She again said, "Bu-But I-", I interrupted the girl in self-doubt and said, "Didn't I say to forget about it?!", she nodded obediently and I became satisfied, I don't like annoying girls at all, I had to rethink of my decision making her my subordinate if she kept being like that, people who take orders too seriously or too lightly are a pain in the ass to deal with.

I looked front to see the servants who hadn't recovered from the effect of my mystic eyes on them and lay on the ground helplessly, I silently cast a flying spell and flew into the sky and then stopped when I was high enough, Jalter remained in my arms snuggling not caring a bit about height, I ruffled her soft hair which was very enjoyable and then glanced at the huge Human Army who had stopped fighting.

They looked at their warriors in shock and at me with fear on their faces, they could guess somewhat from seeing the people they were fighting for laying on the ground defeated, I unleashed my Magical energy and then my Divinity without any restraint, a huge force got created from my this move and all the dust on the battlefield cleared.

I looked below me and chanted a voice amplification after that I said," It has always been a God's duty to punish humans, and I shall do the same, for abandoning the person who abandoned her future for you pathetic beings, for the one whom you made cry", my voice reached everyone's ears as they looked stunned not being able to gauge the situation, though I could hear Romani shouting in the comms and having a PSTD from what they discovered, I mean now that they can analyze my origin they would have known that I am a Divine Spirit.

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