Jalter's Loss

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3rd Pov

The battle began with an obvious advantage, Jalter had better servants, more battle power, and a big army making her bid, the situation looked very unfavorable for Ritsuka and others, but that was on the surface, in actuality it was Jalter who was on the losing side, she foolishly sent all the Angels to combat the Saintness, the worst matchup for them.

The Undead soldier was sent after the servants and even without the disadvantage of facing a servant who had Holy attribute attacks, they were no match for the powered-up Kiyohime and Elizabeth. They were quickly taken off by them. While servants on Ritsuka's side gave their all the situation was different for the servants on Jalter's side.

They were fighting against their well, excluding Carmilla and Lancelot, all of her servants didn't fight with all they had. They felt guilty about the atrocities that Jalter made them commit. By now Madness enhancement on them had weakened enough for them to realize what kind of things they did.

Against the servants who were giving their all, the result was to be expected, with a single blow of his Noble Phantasm, Balmung decimated three of them into nothing as they didn't even bother to dodge it. Finally, freed of the curse, Madness enhancement they gave their gratitude to Ritsuka and Seigfried before vanishing as bright particles that returned to nothing.

Seeing the loss of three servants on her side, Jalter fumed with anger and deployed Fanfir and thousands of wyverns against them, this move turned the tide of the battle as the situation again shifted to Jalter's favor. But they were greeted with another surprise, as Geogrios the servant that had left them to ensure the safety of the refugees returned with an army, strength of more than 30,000 Human soldiers ready to assist them.

They started fighting off against the wyverns and even if they weren't guaranteed to win it granted time to Ritsuka's team, as they rallied against the remaining enemies, slowly but surely they overpowered Jalter's army. She looked in anger as the last of her servants fell one by one, wyverns were occupied by the Human army and Fanfir struggled against the dragon slayer.

" You have lost", said Jeanne as she walked towards her, Jalter glared at her and said," Shutup! Just because the luck is on your side don't get cocky! I don't need those weak servants anyway! I will defeat you myself!!", she charged at Jeanne and swung her sword at her, Jeanne tried parrying it but was thrown backward from the sheer force of it.

Jalter smirked and said," What did you say about me losing? Just this single move of mine defines who is better here, I am better Jeanne D'Arc! Unlike pathetic weaklings like you!!", Jeanne stood up on her feet and looked at Jalter, and said," If these things make you happy then I feel sorry for you".

Jalter's eyes became red with anger at hearing that," What did you just say now b*tch?!!", she again charged at her and swung her sword with the intent to cut her down, Jeanne blocked it with her Holy flag and then attacked at her, Jalter dodged them and moved a bit back gritting her teeth.

Jeanne said, "Look at you, what have you done? You have committed atrocities, and done horrible things! Why? Because in the name of revenge? Let me ask you, what does it mean to have revenge for you? Killing those innocent people-", Jalter interrupted her and shouted," Shut up! None of these people are innocent! All of them are responsible for my death! Your death!".

Jeanne sighed and took a breath she said," Then what about children you have ordered to be slayed? Where they are responsible as well? Nope, revenge is nothing but an excuse to bring out all your hatred that stems from something vile", Jalter charged at her and swung her sword, Jeanne blocked it again with her Holy flag, Jalter used her own Holy flag intending to pale Jeanne.

Jeanne's eyes widened as she barely managed to parry it with her sword, but the force of Jalter's attack made her stumble, she took advantage of it and thrust the lance at her heart, Jeanne's expression froze knowing she won't be able to dodge it in time, but Jalter's attack was parried by Kiyohime's flames.

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