Tainting the Saint (r18)

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Poseidon Pov

[You have completed the secret quest, ' Slay the Beast! '

Completion Condition: Kill one of the beasts of the humanity at their full prowess.

Reward: Denial of the Authority

Function: At the decrease of any of your parameter by a single rank for a temporary amount of time, you can negate any of the Beast's Authority.

Advantages: You can decrease powers similar to Authorities, or authorities from the other verses up to Universal Peak as well, in simple words it works on all abilities similar to Authorities or Authorities, not limited to the beast's Authority, you can also choose to decrease your desired Parameter.

Disadvantages: You single parameter will be decreased by a single rank for using it once, and time will depend on the difference between the prowess of the master and the prowess of the authority.]

[Congratulations! Your merit has increased by 3 times!]

I looked at the rewards with enjoyment, my merit has tripled and despite the disadvantages of the Denial of the Authority it was quite useful especially against beings with the Authorities of Instant Death, if their Authority is derived from them then if they are weaker, my Divinity will automatically dispel it, but if their Authority is derived from the world, then I need to be stronger than the world to dispel it.

But with this I will be able to negate the Beast's Authorities, and let's just say they take a considerable chunk of mana for them to activate their Beast Authority. Although it had disadvantages it was still viable, and I won't be using it other than the opponents with Authority either.

My haul was done, and now came the next part of my plan, which was obviously to return back to my world, It has been a long time at least for my human perception of time, the biggest worry for me was Hades' destined death. I won't let him die, thus with clear intention I asked,' System how much it will take for me and my wives to travel between the worlds? '.

[Master, it will take approximately 11.2278% of your credits, which includes multiversal travelling of you and your all wives, Amara and Jeanne included, and also the cost of returning back to here], system said.

' It's too much ', I replied, my eyes narrowed. This was the price after my merits had tripled on top of that, it was simply absurd considering the huge amount of merit I had accumulated by now, I asked system,' It will take this much? ', my distrust visible.

[Yes Master, it's not travelling between to universes or parallel timeline, but between two multiverses, and do remember for all the inhabitants in this multiverse, even its creator, this multiverse is all of the existence for them, they are incapable of breaking through Multiversal walls, only a few complex multiversal beings, and Hyperversal beings are capable of doing that]

I sighed, as I knew it made sense,' It would seem I need to take some miscellaneous quests to regain my quests, the battle with Goetia remains, however he is too weak for me now that I have a counter for his Beast Authority, I guess I will have to do with the Pseudo-Singularities ', I thought, well I was ready to travel and all, but before something very important remained.

[Warning!! R18 Ahead!]


3rd Pov

Jeanne meekly looked at the Poseidon who sat at a distance apart, her heart was thumping with nervousness and excitement, they had kissed, and even slept together back in the Singularity however they didn't have any sex. They were merely affectionate to each other, especially Poseidon who was usually not very keen on showing his emotions, even if he is no longer to what he was back in Heaven.

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