Only I am allowed to ogle Lord Poseidon!!

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3rd Pov


Silence permeated the entire Hall as everyone breathed slowly, their hearts pounding rapidly looking at the bravery of Da Vinci who was ogling Poseidon in front of everyone. But it didn't last long, As an influx of mana gushed out of the King of the Storms, her eyes remained fixed on Da Vinci who had the courage to ogle Lord Poseidon, her Lord Poseidon in front of her.

Her breathing became rapid, scaring Bedivere who shivered to see the raged look of Artoria, he had never seen her King this angry in his lifetime. Artoria's face twisted in anger, pure anger as she said in a bone-chilling cold voice," How, How dare you ogle him", Da Vinci stopped and then glanced at the King of the Storms, Artoria with a playful look," My, my, getting angry when he doesn't care about being ogled, and again it's not like I cannot ogle him".

Artoria replied," You can't, ONly I aM AlLOwED tO oGle ThE LoRd POsEIdOn!!!!!", her loud and bone-chilling voice reached everyone's ears, and the mana around Artoria became more turbulent creating cracks in the floor. Mordred who was standing while leaning on the wall left of the Throne, shuddered and sneakily tried to leave lest she suffers the wrath of her father.

Even Bedivere quickly took some steps back completely ignoring the implications of Artoria's words, and Romani fainted seeing the scene on the screen in Chaldea, Artoria summoned her Divine Lance in her hand gripping it tightly, and everyone held their breath expecting the worst, just when Artoria's anger was to erupt in the form of a Divine attack.


Poseidon bitch-slapped Da Vinci who was just ogling him a few seconds ago, her figure got embedded in the wall, with her upper half inside the thick wall, and her butt facing outside, then he said in an emotionless voice," I have got no interest in gender-bended old men, so don't dare to touch me again, otherwise I will use your soul as fuel to light up a torch that will cause you unimaginable pain as bits of your soul burn out till your ultimate end".

(A/N: False signal! Da Vinci is a guy in a woman's body!)

His words made everyone shiver, and Artoria saw that her Lord had already punished the sinner, thus there was no need for her judgment which made her calm down, the serious and dangerous atmosphere also calmed down considerably, Ritsuka finally breathed in relief, and then glanced at the Da Vinci embedded in the thick wall, trying her best to get out, not even a shred of pity appeared in his eyes seeing her miserable state.

Mash had the same reaction, while Hektor and Kiyohime gave a barrage of curses in their mind, fed up with the big-chested Universal genius. Poseidon glanced at Astolfo, who shuddered and said," Eh, Lord Poseidon, you see as the Paladin it is my job to help the people in need, and after hearing about the atrocities the Knights of the Round Table had been committing from Miss Atalanta, I was unable to stop myself from helping them!", he tried his best to sound that it wasn't his mistake but rather the mistake of Atalanta and Knights of the Round Table.

Although previously he did say in front of Chaldea, that almost Poseidon will separate his limb or two as punishment bravely when faced with the actual situation he couldn't help but get scared at the prospect of getting a punishment far worse than that. Poseidon calmly gave his judgment not even a bit affected by Astolfo's passionate words," You won't be getting any food from me now onwards".

The face of the femboy became pale, as he faced the biggest adversity of his life, the worst result he could possibly have imagined, he let out a scream," No!!! Please Lord Poseidon anything but that!! I am willing to sacrifice my limbs!!!", he said, everyone except the servants of Neos Argonauts looked at the scene dumbly not understanding what's going on, according to their common sense shouldn't getting limb cut off is a worse punishment than getting no food?

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