Poseidon's Past: Part Deepak

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(Author's Note: I am going to upload two parts of this, one will be Poseidon's Past Part Deepak and the other will be Ror's Poseidon's past, This is needed to give him some character. Anyway, I am thinking of uploading the next part after 20 or so chapters)


Deepak Pov

The world is unfair.

The most obvious thing that anyone can think of and now you must be thinking, 'Hey! You got to know about it now only?! ', pfft, this is one of the most hilarious and heartless truths everyone will come to realize as they grow up. For instance, you will be never treated equally, From your birth it was decided, that you will be treated as some worthless shit or some good booze.

You might have a sibling who will get more love and care than you do for doing nothing great but shitting all day, while you might achieve great things and still be treated like some third-rate shit. There will be guys with parents who would care about their children's personal feelings and some who will be in the delusion of being All-Knowing, that they know what is best for children.

From birth you will be compared with others, your skin, your gender, your sex appeal, your cuteness, your beauty, your behavior, your talents, everything will be compared with others for obviously no other reason than being feel good on some steroids.

For me, it was the same, an innocent who was just born and then got the burden of his parent's dream. My dream never mattered to others, even my parents, it was either to be a doctor, engineer, or some other shit. Here in Asia, parents have got a nice delusion that become an Engineer or doctor your life will be set.

They will force you to study, and things become worse when they think you should do nothing but eat, sleep, study, and shit. A continuous hellish cycle where your dreams and feelings will be trampled on by some harsh words and dreams which they never got to achieve.

They will be open hypocrites and continuously hurt your feelings over and over again without a single guilt but with a delusional thought,' I am doing best for my child ', from small things to big things you will be compared and ordered around like some slave. They will ask you to study and when you try to explain what you have studied they will be like,' Oh! Don't try to teach me! I know things better than you! '.

The biggest hypocritical lie they ever spout in our faces is like a spit of saliva. Funny, right? Well, the most amusing part hasn't even come yet. When you are not on your best behavior and even utter a slightly disturbing word, they will be like,' Where are your manners?! Is that what you have learned in school? '.

School? Oh, they do think Schools teach us manners?! Other than making us study some useless shit that isn't even practical they barely do anything else. Now, what's hilarious? If you misbehave in school the teacher would be like,' Is that what your parents taught you?! ', funny right?

No one is willing to teach us any manners correctly other than forcing us with their ideals, and then they will quest self-righteously on our face,' Where are your manners? ', just like that for every small thing they dislike they will slap on our faces how it is bad. Want an example? I always was an environmentalist and often suggested to my parents to help the environment.

But they were like,' Plants? Why would you care about them? Why would waste money on useless things like them? ', Yes, even if you have some good qualities but your parents don't like them then it will be no more than a bad quality in their eyes. It was the same, for me, for my entire life.

I didn't even realize when my entire childhood passed and I was in college doing a Medical degree. It was hard, the teacher taught us in some incomprehensible Hebrew of his own. Never bothered explaining them practically and then scolded us for not paying attention when we failed to answer something or even ask our doubts.

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