Siegfried The Dragon Slaying Hero

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3rd Pov

In a few days when Poseidon was gone to regain his Divine Authorities a lot of things happened with the Ritsuka's gang. Firstly, Jeanne met Gilles along with some soldiers surrounded by the wyverns, and being the saint she is, went into the battle against the wyverns and saved them only to be rewarded with stones thrown on her face as they misunderstood as Jalter.

After that, unlike the original, they didn't encounter Martha and instead left the place while the soldiers still throwing stones at them and spewing all the hate they had for the Jalter and the atrocities she committed against them. They continued their journey jointly till the third day they decided to split as they weren't having any luck with encountering a new servant with whom they can ally.

The team was divided into two parts, one had Kiyohime, Elizabeth, Mash, Jeanne, and Ritsuka Fujimaru and the second team consisted of only Wolfgang and Marie, basically the lover duo. The reason both Kiyohime and Elizabeth were with Ritsuka's team as they were still quite injured and more than a week was needed before they even healed enough to fight again.

So, due to their dire situation, it was decided they will be going with Ritsuka Fujimaru along with Jeanne and Mash who could do both offensive and defensive if such a situation where they had to fight or escape arises, and they could protect Kiyohime and Elizabeth who are at their weakest, and for Ritsuka he could only be with Mash and with him being near the injured duo they will get a constant supply of Mana preventing them from kicking the bucket.

Wolfgang and Marie while not battle-oriented servants still had quite the prowess due to their useful abilities and could escape if the need arises for them to do so, their extremely good coordination due to being past lovers made it only better thus they formed another team.

Both of them went in separate ways, and soon Ritsuka's team reached Montlucon where their luck turned around, and to their surprise they found two new servants, one was named Georgios a Rider class servant, and most especially the other servant they meet was Seigfried, the one the most if not the most famous Dragon Slayer.

Unfortunately for them he was severely wounded and had multiple curses placed on him by one of the Jalter's servants, this got them worried as the moment they heard that the other servant is the famous Seigfried who slayed the Evil Dragon Fanfir they got their hopes up as with him they had the chance of slaying the Dragon of the Jalter.

" So what to do now?", said Ritsuka worried, Jeanne came forward and said," No need to worry Mr. Fujimaru I and Georgios have the power to lift the curses unfortunately as we are non-contracted servants the process will take quite a while, depending on the situation it may take up more than one month".

Others became relieved hearing the former half of her sentence but the latter half crushed their excitement," More than one month?! I don't think our enemy is gonna give that time", said Elizabeth annoyed by their circumstances, Ritsuka clenched his fists, and then looked at the command seals on his hand," A contracted servant huh?".

He then looked at Jeanne and said," That's it! If that is what it takes to heal him and defeat the enemy then I want you to make a contract with me Jeanne!", everyone became surprised hearing that," Huh?!", all of them said, Romani shouted in the comms," Have you lost your mind?! Your body has just started adapting to the strain of multiple contracts and even then you have been quite lucky with how it played out! Normally, any other master would have died in your situation!!".

Ritsuka and Mash looked nervously at the Holographic projection of the angry Romani Archman who was against the idea of Ritsuka forming a new contract, suddenly Jeanne pushed Romani's side with her hand and came in front of the comms," Nice idea!! Why don't you make a contract with Seigfried as well?! I am very curious about how your body will react and how much strain it will put on you, and your body is also interesting", she said.

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