We shall meet again!

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3rd Pov

Everyone looked at the figure of Poseidon, they were surprised to see him alive, they have seen themselves his head roll into the hands of Jeanne, and his figure vanishing into golden particles. It wasn't an illusion, it indeed happened and Poseidon was dead, " Lord Poseidon!", Jeanne pulled Poseidon into an hug, tears poured down her cheeks and made Poseidon's chest wet.

" My Lord!", Jalter also hugged Poseidon chest and unlike Jeanne who was simply crying she started rubbing her cheeks against his chest, and sniffing his smell, naturally Artoria hugged him from behind as well, her bountiful breasts pressed hard against Poseidon's back. Amara too had the idea of joining their hug and wanted to leap at Poseidon when Scathach stopped her.

" Why?!", Amara grunted, and Scathach simply smiled," You will ruin their hug", she said making her jealous, she wanted to hug her Daddy as well! Receive his head pats! And maybe mate with him as well! Alas they remained as her mere wishes as Scathach had a firm grasp on her hand. Scathach was most mature of Poseidon's wives, thus she was least worried about when Poseidon died, as she knew he had just returned to throne.

However, she was angry at the Tiamat as well, after all the big-breasted bad mommy had hurt her lover after all. Thus, she had decided to fight with Tiamat even if it meant dying." My Lord I was so worried about you!", said Jalter as she looked at Poseidon, Jeanne looked at him as well, and Poseidon felt as if a pair of twins were looking at him, as Jeanne's and Jalter's faces were mostly the same.

He rubbed their heads, soothing them and said," It would seem my death affected your more than you thought, but do remember that was only a vessel", he consoled them, but Jeanne retorted," Even so! I can't see you dying! After all even if you are immortal it hurts right? When you die!", Jalter nodded and said," My Lord, I would rather let myself die than you, please forgive me for my weakness, I couldn't protect you".

" Indeed my Liege, we are your wives, but your subordinates as well, and it's our duty to protect you from the harm, even if you are stronger than us", said Artoria, and then she planted a kiss on Poseidon's back, many people blushed seeing her, but the King of Storms didn't care, she was shameless when it came to showing affection to Poseidon.

Poseidon finally had to calm them before breaking hugs, after which he received a hug from Scathach's body, experiencing the joy of embracing a near-perfect body again, and then he was hugged from Amara as well. " I was so scared Daddy!!!", Amara said as she hugged Poseidon like a koala and rubbed her cheeks on Poseidon's," Amara, you are indeed a strong girl, I am proud of you", he said.

He knew that Amara didn't falter after his death but charged at Tiamat despite the despairing situation, and even lost her arms, but she was unfazed by it. Hearing his praise Amara started giggling, despite having an adult body and somewhat mature mind, she was only a few years in the end, and Poseidon didn't forget it, so he hardly ever reprimanded her unlike her mothers.

" Master! You are alright! I was so scared when I saw your dead body! I mean how dare that bitch do it?!", Ishtar said making Gilgamesh chuckle," What?! Goldie you are half-dead and yet have strength to laugh!", Ishtar taunted him, Gilgamesh's body started turning into golden particles much to the shock of Ritsuka and his remaining group.

" Gilgamesh made himself dead and then ascended to Throne of Heroes and then descended into the underworld", explained the White Haired Half-Incubus," Fucking Bullshit!", Ishtar spat, even she was shocked by the outrageous feat of the Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes just laughed and said," Haha! See you above Ishtar!", and vanished.

" Damnit Master! Once I get the chance I will kill him!", growled Ishtar, still she felt something weird about her words, which others noticed but didn't comment. " Lord Poseidon, I am happy you are okay!", said Ereshkigal as she came near him and fell on his chest," You have drained your divinity completely", Poseidon said, his face unchanged.

FATE: THE NEW POSEIDON Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now