Poseidon V/S The Celts

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(Author's Note: Some of you were missing the fights like Poseidon vs Hercules so here it is! To make it more difficult for Poseidon I have deliberately increased the two-dimensional IQ of these Celts so be grateful!)


Poseidon Pov

I summoned my trident and started spinning it at a high speed with the intent to gather water around it but frowned seeing all the moisture in the atmosphere around the 30 km vanishing like it was never present in the first place, I glanced at the smirking Cu Chulainn Alter and then glanced at the preparator, Sigurd understanding that he had used his Noble Phantasm to vaporize all the moisture present and break the hydrogen-oxygen bonds between them.

I shrugged at started channeling my Divinity gathering water around my trident, ready to attack, and then I charged towards the strongest servant present while coating my entire body in Battle Aura, at an impressive speed. Other servants didn't stay still and reacted to my advancement as well. Sigurd attacked me with hundreds of beams of condensed sunlight sun which turned into nothing the moment they touched the layer of Aura empowered by my Divinity.

Qin Liangyu threw her spear at me with her entire strength and I narrowly dodged it while Cu Chulainn Prototype who had arrived near me thrust his spear aiming at my heart, I parried it quickly with my sword that I summoned at the exact moment and then reached near my target who smiled and parried my attack with his spear and the next moment by Divinity vanished.

[ Your Divinities have been sealed using the power of a True Miracle!], the system announced.

I grunted and teleported away trying to create some distance between us only to meet with the double attacks of Sigurd and Qin Liangyu, they managed to wound me slightly and I teleported again to escape the thrust of the hound. " Don't give him any chance to rest!!", shouted Cu Chulainn Alter with a commanding tone.

Meanwhile, I teleported again, and this time they didn't get a chance to attack me giving me the chance to silently cast some spells,' Maximized Greater Strength, Maximized Greater Haste, Maximized Greater Vitality, Maximized Greater Dexterity, Boost Aspect of Elemental, Maximized Energy Immunity Sun, Energy Immunit- ', I chanted till the three servants had arrived near me.

I had already summoned my Sword and coated it blocking the Qin Liangyu attack, then I blocked Sigurd's attack with my trident and cast a defensive spell to block Cu Chulainn Prototype's attack. During this time Cu Chulainn Alter had successfully used his Noble Phantasm 'Curruid Coinchenn'.

I used an eight-tier AOE Spell cry of Banshee throwing them off-guard for a second and then taking advantage of the chance I attacked the three of them. I swung my sword at Qin Liangyu ripping apart her chest from her shoulders, and dividing her left breast into two halves, and I kicked Cu Chulainn Prototype away with my superior prowess and thrust my trident at Sigurd who blocked it barely.

Lin Qingyu grunted in pain and then thrust her spear at me I parried it with my sword and she quickly went backward creating distance between us. I heard a huge sonic boom as Cu Chulainn Alter now dressed in the skeleton of the sea monster, his strength, and endurance were astonishing EX Rank, I tried to block it with my Trident but failed to do so and was thrown back where Cu Chulainn Prototype was ready and used his Noble Phantasm stabbing me through my heart.

I coughed a bit of blood and teleported away while I felt 80% of my Mana being drained, I quickly used a healing spell that restored my entire heart and it started beating again pumping mana into my blood and absorbing Mana more than twice as fast as before. I quickly used Grasp Heart with Maximized enhancement killing Sigurd who was off guard, and then I charged toward Qin Liangyu and thrust my trident separating the head of the wounded servant.

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