This is where the fight ends!

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(Author's Note: Hope ya all enjoy the chapter)


Poseidon Pov

I glanced at the destroyed crater and the last of the golden particles that disappeared with the death of the Goddess Rhongomyniad. I sighed, this time it was more challenging than I had assumed. Maybe I should just stop underestimating others even if they are a lot weaker than me. Perhaps- I could have killed her more easily if I was in my peak form, still that matters little now.

I had won and did so while being nerfed and I had been weaker than she was from her True God form. Still, I wasn't content, I wanted it to be a perfect victory yet it cost the life of my subordinate, though she is fine for the most part. I sighed and just accepted my fault and decided to do better next time, Still this reminded me that I am not strong, not even by Peak Universal standards.

Finally, I decided it was time to meet up with the team that I had gathered together in this singularity and the ones who made it possible to complete the second quest that I had taken up. I floated in the air and then flew towards them, I landed in front of them.

" You are finally here My Lord! ", said Jalter with an expectant smile on her face, then she leaped forward hugged me tightly, and started rubbing her head against my body. " Did my performance satisfy you, My Lord?", she asked, I gave a direct reply," Yes", since I could already see that no one died and that was a big accomplishment in itself. This would surely boost my merit points by a lot.

Meanwhile, I was cuddling a happy Jalter, when Ristuka came forward and asked me," Lord Poseidon, Where is Sir Guinevere? ", I looked at him, and then the holographic projection of Romani came in front of him who had a nervous look on his face, and I replied," You should already know about it, Doctor?".

He coughed and said," Yes, I had some doubts but you had made it clear", he then went on and explain how Guinevere was a human all along much to everyone's shock. " I see", he muttered with a sad face,' It sure is no easy task being the last master of humanity when you are just a normal base human with additional poison nullification, and when I am added to the equation who wants to use you as merit booster it sure is hell for him ', I thought a bit amused.

The worn-out Knight of Betrayal, Mordred approached me knelt before me in a Knightly way, and asked me," Lord Poseidon, can you tell Father that I performed excellently and slew all those who stood in front of her, so she can forgive me, even if only a bit for my crimes", her body armor was broken at my places, and red blood could be seen oozing out of her wounds.

It was apparent to me, that the fight for her was no easy, heck It wasn't easy for anyone except Astolfo who had only light scratches making me look at him with a scrutinizing gaze, I could see he was the least injured of all, even Ritsuka had far more injuries than the femboy. " Hey! Lord Poseidon did you finally realize just how cute I am?!", he asked me with a smile on his face.

I replied with disgust in my voice," Why the hell you are the one with the least injuries", My blunt reply froze him in his place and everyone erupted in a burst of laughter, I broke my hug with Jalter and took out the almost emptied Holy Grail and threw it to the Ritsuka who caught it.

" This is the Holy Grail! ", Mash and Ritsuka gasped, Da Vinci nodded as if she already had predicted this situation. The singularity slowly started repairing itself, and I said," Thanks to every servant here that I was able to do my task", All of them nodded, and Mordred finally stood up and said," Haha! Since Father is not here I can call you Mister God again! Anyway, Mister God if there is next time do call me as well! I wanna meet father again".

I just nodded, and Dr. Romani said on the Holographic screen," Ristuka, Mash, and Leonardo! We will be doing Rayshifting!", Finally the protagonist said Goodbye to everyone, and I hugged Jalter who was in a bliss and teleported back to my Divine Throne

FATE: THE NEW POSEIDON Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now