Amara Vs Tiamat

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3rd Pov


The staff of the Chaldea and their acting Commander looked speechlessly at the screen, for a moment no one knew what to do, after all for them the scene was extremely ridiculous! They can see Godzilla walking towards Tiamat and Romani can swear he feels like he is in a cinema sitting on the front seat and watching the movie Godzilla V/S Tiamat, now with extreme Cgi and 3d display all he lacks is popcorn and he will be good to go.

" Is that Go-Godzilla?", a fat staff member broke the silence and murmurs spread throughout the room. " Hahaha! What the fuck is that?!", said Romani clutching is head, doubting life. " It is a Godzilla, a kaiju! Isn't that exciting?! Although it is known that Throne of Heroes often creates fictional characters, it seems the limits of what it can create must be revised!", said Da Vinci with a excited smile on her face.

Romani took a deep breath and slapped his cheeks," That's it! Everyone continue with your work! Despite the incredulity of the situation, we must remember that fate of the mankind depends on it! Thus, we need to provide whatever meagre support we can!", he said regaining his calm. He has seen many weird things and had gotten used to it; it's just seeing a freaking real Godzilla had stumped him for a moment.

Everyone nodded and continued with their work, then Romani suddenly looked at Da Vinci and asked," Wait! How do you know about Godzilla?", Da Vinci smiled looking at him and replied," You don't know? We have vase database of famous movies like Godzilla! You can watch it on 4k! Isn't that exciting? I have been watching them to find out if the technology shown in them can be achieved or not", Romani looked at her speechless and decided to shift his focus back on the screen for his own sake.


Babylonian Singularity,

Amara released a roar as she walked towards the Mother of All Creation, Tiamat for a moment froze, feeling an extremely familiar aura. She was mother of creation responsible for creating all the monsters and demonic beasts, thus in a way she was mother of Amara. However, Godzilla cared nothing about her concerns and opened her mouth.

A blue light shined in her mouth as well as in her fins as she released her atomic breath, it pierced through the air and hit Tiamat who hasn't made a shield against it. The next moment Tiamat came out of her stupor, and she screeched recognizing Godzilla as her enemy. Tens of Thousands of Lahmus moved towards Godzilla intending to kill her.

Meanwhile mounted on the back of Quetzalcoatl's mount, flying in the air, Ritsuka looked speechlessly at the scene below him wondering what the hell was happening. " Doc? Godzilla is real?", he asked Romani who coughed and said," I will tell you about it later on, for now focus on the battle ", hearing his words Ritsuka nodded and said," Arjuna! Kiyohime! Hector! I want you all three to release your Noble Phantasms simultaneously at Tiamat!".

They nodded hearing him and Ritsuka continued," From what I have observed Tiamat generally forms shield only at a single direction, I want to you all to take advantage of her and Godzilla's battle and attack her where she lacks a shield! Meanwhile Mash! You will protect us from the Lahmus", they nodded impressed by his commands.

" Yes Senpai! You can count me to protect you!", Mash replied and then Kiyohime said with a smile," Don't worry husband, I will turn your foes into ashes! Though I demand a for a kiss for when everything is over!", her words caused Mash to blush while Ritsuka just nodded, he left the problem for his future self to deal. The servants quickly took their stance waiting for an opportunity.

Godzilla meanwhile released several Atomic Breaths in a row annihilating all the Lahmus approaching her and even fired a few at Tiamat who easily blocked it with a shield. Jalter also kept attacking Tiamat with one spell after another, but most of them didn't do any damage and at most scorched her skin which healed in a second.

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